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Area students encouraged to submit films to local youth film festival

Area students encouraged to submit films to local youth film festival
Walla Walla Public Schools is sponsoring a youth film festival Saturday, May 19 at the Walla Walla High School Auditorium from 4 to 8 p.m. SPIFFY, Student Produced Independent Films For Youth, is accepting films from all local and regional students under the age of 19. The deadline for submission is April 20.

"This festival, the only one in the region, will give students a chance to showcase their video talents. When you put a kid behind a camera, amazing things happen," said Dan Calzaretta, coordinator for the festival and teacher at Pioneer Middle School.

Films can be submitted in the following categories:
- Drama/suspense
- Comedy
- Animation
- Documentary
- Music video
- Experimental

Students interested in the SPIFFY, are encouraged to visit: https://sites.google.com/site/pioneerexplorers/

- Dan Calzaretta: dcalzaretta@wwps.org / 509.527.3050

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