Family Support and Homeless Assistance
Program Summary & Community Resources
Walla Walla School District's Families in Transition/Homeless Education Program is in place to address and support the educational needs of students who find themselves in temporary or transitional housing during the school year. Our program works closely with local shelter and housing providers, community agencies and resources, and the City of Walla Walla, County of Walla Walla and Washington state's Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction. We work together to ensure educational stability for students in short-term/temporary and transitional/homeless housing situations so they feel supported and encouraged while they secure permanent housing.
Recursos en español
Community Resources:
Walla Walla Warming Centers: Open seasonally from November 1 to February 28.
New Beginnings Chapel, 822 W. Main St. Opens when the temperature is between 20-25 degrees. Check in begins at 7 p.m. and check out is at 7 a.m. Men and women 18 and older allowed.
- OWWL (Short for One Walla Walla List)- it is intended to serve as a comprehensive directory for resources in Walla Walla Valley.
- Walla Walla Alliance for the Homeless (sleep center, showers, mailboxes); 541.203.0122
- Walla Walla Sleeping Center; 509.520.0316
- Exit Homeless Program; 509.596.1114
- Blue Mountain Action Council (food bank, low-income housing assistance, energy assistance, unaccompanied youth services ages 12-24); 509.416.6194
- Legal Counsel for Youth and Children (ages 12-24 unaccompanied youth free legal help)
- SonBridge (some medical & dental services, thrift store, counseling); 509.529.3100
- Christian Aid Center (Men Services, Women & Children Services, and Meals): 509.525.7153
- Catholic Charities of Walla Walla (services for housing, counseling, food, immigration, seniors); 509.525.0572
- The Loft (24-hour emergency shelter for unaccompanied youths ages 12-17); 509.876.0130
- YWCA (Safe Shelter for women and children escaping domestic violence); 509.525.2570
- Walla Walla Housing Authority (rental assistance program); 509.527.4542
Eligibility / Contact Information
Who is considered eligible for the Homeless Education Program's (McKinney-Vento) assistance and services?
Any child or youth, including migrant and unaccompanied youth, who lacks a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence is considered homeless and is eligible for McKinney-Vento assistance and services. This includes children and youth who are temporarily sharing housing with others due to loss of housing or economic hardship; those who are living in hotels, camping grounds, emergency shelters, cars, bus or train stations, transitional housing programs, or other similar settings.
If you have a student/child who may qualify for our Program's assistance and services or would like more information, please contact your school's intervention specialist our the district Homeless Education Liaison:
Pam Clayton
Intervention Specialist Contact Information at each School (English)
Education Rights of Children and Youth Who Qualify for Services & Assistance
Our schools provide equal and comparable access to all students regardless of their home living situation. McKinney-Vento eligible children and youth have specific rights that include:
- Enroll in school immediately, even if lacking documents normally required for enrollment.
- Maintain attendance at the school of origin-current school for the remainder of the current school year (if this is in the child’s best interest and feasible) or enroll in the neighborhood school where currently residing.
- Transportation assistance if needed.
- Eligible for FREE food services
- Receive educational services comparable to those provided to other students, according to your children’s needs.
- Assistance in obtaining needed records and documentation.
- Parent or guardian engagement in school activities.
Dispute Resolution Process: School District Placement of Children and Youths in Homeless Situations.
The Homeless Education Program also works closely with neighboring school districts including College Place, Milton-Freewater, Dayton, Waitsburg, etc., in an effort to create a regional educational network to support students and their families in short-term/temporary and transitional/homeless housing situations.
Parent Homeless Information
Staff and Community Homeless Information
McKinney-Vento Information
- Students on the Move: Keeping uprooted kids in school (APM Reports and podcast)
- Supporting the Success of Homeless Children and Youths (Department of Education)
- The McKinney-Vento Act (OSPI)
- Frequently Asked Questions on the Educational Rights of children and Youth in Homeless Situations (NAEHCY)
- School Staff Resource Guide (OSPI)
Unaccompanied Youth
Young Children
- Early Childhood Homelessness: An Overview (PDF) / Website (Schoolhouse Connection)
- State Overview of Homelessness