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Energy Management

“It just makes cents.”

Walla Walla Public Schools’ dynamic Energy Management Program continues to pay dividends. This program focuses on eliminating non value-added energy consumption. The district has cut energy usage 24 percent since being implemented in the Fall 1999.

Walla Walla Public Schools is one of the first school districts in the state to implement this behavior management program specially designed to manage energy consumption and generate substantial savings. The program monitors energy use 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It’s designed to reduce energy consumption without sacrificing comfort. No capital outlay was required to start the program. The program utilizes people, not mechanical changes, to save energy.

Projected net savings to the school district are in excess of $1 million. Dollar savings are being put back into equipment and supplies to generate further savings.


Facilities and Operations Department
(509) 527-3018