Outdoor Athletic and Activity Facilities Committee
Committee Recommendation
Recommendations Fact Sheet (English)
Recommendations Fact Sheet (Spanish)
On June 20 the Outdoor Athletic and Activity Facilities Committee Presented their final recommendation to the district. This comprehensive review was the result of months of investigation, analysis, and deliberation on the part of over twenty community members, parents and alumni.
Pursuant to their Charge, the committee was tasked to deliver a final report that consisted of capital improvement recommendations to outdoor athletic and activity facilities that would bring Walla Walla middle and high school campuses up to comparable league standards, provide accompanying cost estimates to perform the work, and potential funding mechanisms sufficient to address the list of improvements.
Community Priorities Survey (Administered 8/1-9/27)
SURVEY - Thank you for participating in our feedback survey. Click here for results.
Since 2019, WWPS coaches and staff have been meeting regularly to review current outdoor athletic and activity amenities across district secondary schools, research league and regional facilities, and prioritize improvements necessary for student participants.
In March 2023 a comprehensive analysis of current facility amenities and research was presented to the Walla Walla School Board. Click here to learn more about their report.
In summary, the following information was relayed:
- The 2018 bond helped ensure classrooms, performing arts, fine arts, support areas and indoor extra-curricular spaces have all been brought up to current standards.
- As promised to voters, recent bond funds were not allocated towards any outdoor athletic or activity amenities or improvements.
- Rather than asking for voter-approved bonds or levies to improve outdoor athletic facilities, WWPS has leveraged community donations, Booster Club support and basic ed maintenance dollars to try and keep up with extra-curricular facility improvements.
- The district has invested over $1.1M in basic ed dollars over the last four years alone trying to maintain/improve athletic facilities.
- Despite these efforts, WWPS’ outside athletic and activity facilities have fallen significantly behind every school in the league. As a result, most of the district’s exterior athletic components are in need of substantial renovations or improvements in order to maintain safe, adequate and comparable access.
Following the presentation, the District developed an independent committee whose charge was to deliver formal recommendations to the district in June 2023. Click here to learn more about the committee.