Garrison Middle School Title 1 Family Engagement
What is Family Engagement?
Family engagement is a shared responsibility in which schools and other community agencies and organizations are committed to reaching out to engage families in meaningful ways and in which families are committed to actively supporting their children's learning and development.
National Family, School and Community Engagement, 2010
Family Engagement at Garrison
Garrison is committed to engaging and partnering with families and the community to build relationships that support and improve the learning development and health of our children at home, in school, and in the community.
Garrison Family Learning Events
Garrison is a Title 1 School - What does that mean?
Title I, Part A is part of the federal law Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and provides financial assistance to states and school districts to make sure all children have a fair, equitable, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education.
Title 1 Family Engagement: Parent Presentation (8 mins)
English Español
What is Title 1 and how does it benefit my child? (Infographic)
English Español
Title 1 Fact Sheet
English Español
Need more information about Title 1?
WW Public Schools | Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
English | Español | Chinese | Korean | Punjabi | Russian | Somali | Tagalog | Vietnamese
Requirements of Title 1 Family Engagement
Schools and Districts are expected to provide two-way Communication with families that is relevant, clear, and regular.
Title 1 provides families with the Right to Be Informed about their child's learning progress, professional qualifications of teachers and paraprofessionals, and state and local assessments.
English | Español | Chinese | Korean | Punjabi | Russian | Somali | Tagalog | Vietnamese
Each Title 1 School in our district must develop a written Parent and Family Engagement Plan that describes 1) how the school will comply with Title 1 regulations that cover parent and family engagement and 2) how school and staff will work with parents to create a School-Parent Compact.
Garrison's Family Engagement Plan:
English Español
Garrison Home-School Partnership Plan:
English Español
Garrison's School-Parent Compact:
English Español
Walla Walla Public School's Family Engagement Plan
Each school must conduct an Annual Evaluation of the content and effectiveness of their parent and family engagement plan to improve the quality of programs and services. Districts are also required to Provide Funding to support programs that reach parents and family members at home, in the community, and at school.
We need your voice in deciding what family engagement will look like this year and how family engagement funding is spent. Please take our survey to help us decide what activities, resources, and opportunities will help our students and families build a stronger learning community?
Family Engagement Survey: English Español
Each school is required to provide essential Parent & Family Engagement Strategies to strengthen the skills and abilities of parents and staff. Schools need to find ways to help parents understand state academic standards, provide materials and trainings designed to help parents and staff work with each other to increase academic achievement, and hold meetings early in the morning or in the evening that widen the time available for working parents to be present.
If you would like this information in print or in a different language, please contact the office staff at your school.