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Committee and Their Charge


Walla Walla Public Schools, under the direction of the Superintendent, requests the Walla Walla Schools Outdoor Athletic and Activities Facility Task Force, comprised of a broad representation of twenty parents and/or community stakeholders, one school board representative (non-voting), the Superintendent (non-voting), and necessary administrative and/or support staff (non-voting), to research, deliberate and make recommendations pursuant to the Charge specified below. 

Type of Committee

Administrative, reporting to the Superintendent; with periodic updates to the Board of Directors. 

Official Charge

Walla Walla Public Schools requests the Committee to convene regularly to complete the work necessary to undergo the technical review and analysis in order to deliver long-term outdoor athletic and activity planning direction for administration. 
The committee is tasked to deliver a final recommendation to the Superintendent no later than June 20, 2023.  The recommendation will consist of capital improvement recommendations to outdoor athletic and activity facilities, accompanying cost estimates to perform the work, and potential funding mechanisms sufficient to address the list of improvements. In developing its recommendation, the Committee is charged to use the following criteria.  

The committee’s recommendation, must:

  • Include a thorough review of current outdoor athletic and activity facility amenities and conditions across the district’s middle schools and high school campus
  • Compare and contrast WWPS outdoor athletic and activity facilities to similar sized schools in our athletic league/region
  • Prioritize outdoor athletic and activity facility improvements considering the following criteria in their recommendation:
    • those that maximize student and spectator safety
    • those that are deemed most deficient from comparison schools
    • those that maximize student access, engagement and involvement
    • those that promote community and stakeholder access and use
    • those that address current and future programming needs
    • those that promote regional hosting of events, providing economic impact and minimize instructional time loss for students
  • Research and report funding mechanisms utilized by league/regional schools
  • Provide pragmatic capital improvement solutions that attempt to deliver equitable and comparable outdoor athletic and activity facilities with similar-sized schools
  • Consist of sound solutions that help ensure longevity, durability, and lower long-term maintenance and upkeep costs
  • Capitalize on current infrastructure and historical community investment 

When feasible,

  • Partner with local organizations to capitalize on cooperative spaces/needs
  • Investigate outside funding streams/opportunities in order to decrease local and/or district costs

Download Complete Committee Charge 

Download the full Executive Summary and Recommendation 

Committee Membership

Name Affiliation
Doug Hayes  Soccer, Track, MS FB
Scott Shields Soccer, FB
Julio Tapia Youth Soccer
Stephenie Bowen Softball
Lawson Knight Soccer, Track
Dewight Hall Softball, Baseball
Denise Isenhower Tennis
Kelly Belcher Baseball, Football
Robert King Soccer, Football, Track, Baseball, Booster Club Treasurer
Mark Thompson At Large
Mike Monahan At Large
Phil Shivell Football, Track
Scott Krivoshein At Large
Stacy Bergevin Softball
(Chair) Don Davis Parent, Booster Club President
(Vice-Chair) Andy Coleman City Representative 
Colby Burke Soccer, Softball, Booster Club Secretary
Tim Wooster JROTC
Jaime Tiscareno Youth Soccer
Support/Advisory Members
Dr. Wade Smith Superintendent
Heath Gardner Consultant
Chris Ferenz Athletic Director
Robert Foster Facilities Director
Michael Kay Former Director/Advisor
Dean Lodmell Volunteer Consultant
Kathy Mulkerin School Board Representative