Facility Scheduling Request
WWPS Events Coordinator
Charles Broughton
Community Use
The facilities of Walla Walla Public Schools are available for community purposes, provided that such use does not interfere with educational or district programs. District facilities are provided primarily for the education of students and that use will always be given first priority.
Walla Walla Public School District welcomes the use of its facilities by members of the surrounding community for all types of activities. Activities must be consistent with the best interests of the district and not interfere with the regular conduct of the educational programs.
For Non-School/Community Use events, the process begins with a paper Facility Usage Agreement (FUA) and Schedule Detail and Rules for Facilities Usage Form (SD). An application must be submitted at least 3 weeks prior to the first day of your scheduled event(s). The Events Coordinator can give you dates that are estimated to be available, and provide you with forms. Also, some events may require Facility Use Procedures and Fees.
All non-district organizations will be required to fill out a new FUA each year beginning August 1st. Therefore no requests for the next school year will be accepted before August 1st.
PLEASE NOTE: 2014-2015 AAU teams will ALL be required to bring in a Completion of Concussion and Head Injury Training Form and proof of insurance. If you chose to affiliate with the YMCA AAU Club, you will need to provide these forms to the YMCA and they will issue you a letter which you can bring when you submit your FUA and Schedule Detail.
Gyms and rooms available for use are always at a premium for our community. It is important if you are not going to need a room you have scheduled, please contact the Events Coordinator as soon as possible.
Washington State Law requires that All Athletic Events have read Concussion Management for Schools and there is a signed Compliance Statement in your file with your FUA, Schedule Detail, and Insurance Information.
Please read the details regarding cancellations in Section 2 of the FUA. Scheduling rules particular to the Administration building: You may only schedule up to 4 months per request, with each request coming in no sooner than 1-2 months in advance of the first day of your scheduled event(s). The Administration building potentially has 3 rooms available for community use in the evening, and two rooms during the day. Again, district use will always take priority and your event may be bumped out of the rooms due to district business at any time. You will be contacted regarding your schedule change or cancellation via email.
After receiving your request, the site(s) approval process will begin and you will receive email regarding the status of your request.
When you receive an email stating your scheduled event has been ACTIVATED, this is your final approval and the site is reserved for you.
Scheduling a room and then not showing up to use it, arriving early, or leaving late, misusing district equipment or leaving the facilities in poor condition are all grounds for the district to prohibit your group from any future use of district facilities.
Make copies of the rules page as well as your final activation email and/or the signed, approved, Schedule Detail Report for verification of approval to use district facilities and have them with you during your event; these will act as proof to building security and/or custodians that you are authorized to use the facilities during the times specified.
Contact the WWPS Events Coordinator, Charles Broughton, at or call 509-527-3017 from 8 AM to 4:00 PM. Email is the preferred method of communication by the Events Coordinator.
District Use
The facilities of Walla Walla Public Schools are available for community purposes, provided that such use does not interfere with educational or district programs. District facilities are provided primarily for the education of students and that use will always be given first priority.
Using the FS Direct scheduler, Facilities Support has processed over 1000 events each month! That number continues to grow but the district has the tools in place to be successful in processing your request in a timely manner.
For district events, the process begins with an online Facility Scheduling Request. A request for district-use must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the event.
Requests for Services and Procedures
Instruction on using School Dude:
- Enter your school email address
- Enter your information if it is the first time that you are using School Dude
- Once you are logged into School Dude, click on the tabs at the top to select the appropriate request
- Fill in the details and submit
- To track the status of your request, login and use "My Requests" to check on your work orders.
Print Shop Requests
For Print Shop related requests, you may call: 509.527.3014 or Request Online
Hauling and Truck Use Work Order
To schedule the use of Truck #20 or the "White Elephant" (#8), please use Trip Direct. Truck #20 is the only truck that is allowed to travel out of town. Please give at least two weeks' notice; the truck is a on a first-come-first-served basis and only if it is not being used by Facilities & Operations.
ONLY district employees may drive any school district vehicle.
Facilities/Grounds Modification Request
Facilities/Grounds Modification Request Form Procedures
Facilities/Grounds Modification Request Form (this is not available on School Dude)
Surplus Hauling
We are required to have a list of our surplus items by law. The school board must approve the list for surplus; only then we can officially call it surplus and be able to auction it off or give it to other districts. Without a prearranged specific place for your items to be stored, they will be placed in surplus and will go to auction. For this reason, the teachers and staff should be making a list of what they are submitting for surplus. We will not take your surplus away with out a completed form and work order.
- Fill out the Surplus Property Report in full (this is a Word document in the "fill-in" format). If the items need to go to storage (very limited space) the teacher should check that box, this requires approval from Dan Johnson. Anything that will not be stored, should be marked "Transfer to Surplus for Public Auction." Category A , Library and/or AV items should have a list of their own as described above.
- Get approval from the building principal or program director to surplus the items on the list.
- After approval is received, make a work order on SchoolDude for pick up, giving details of the location of the materials and how many boxes. Include the work order number on the form.
- Send a copy of the form by e-mail, by in-district mail to, or attach the form to the work order request online.
- IF EVERY ITEM in the box is listed, the form may taped on the outside of the box. Otherwise the form may go on the item; such as a desk, VCR, TV, etc.
- We will schedule the items for pick-up and deliver them to surplus for auction or storage if that has been agreed to by Dan Johnson. Surplus hauling must be scheduled ahead of time and will be placed on the hauling schedule at the nearest date possible- hauling surplus is NOT a priority and will be done as our department has time and resources available.
- No items will be picked up without a work order, do not skip this step.
Indoor Sign Request (AKA Name Plate Request)
Surplus Hauling for Category A, AV, library media
These need to go on a list of their own. Please contact your computer coordinator to surplus Category A, or AV, or Library items. Category A items, specifically items with memory, like computers, need to have the hard drive cleared before we can take them for surplus. Only the computer coordinator should put in work orders to have computers taken to surplus since they are responsible to make sure the drives are clean. However - if you are staff looking to have your computer made surplus; please make an IT Request to have the computer coordinator clear the hard-drive and surplus your computer, they will take over the surplus procedures from that point on.