Equity Analysis Protocol
About the Protocol
The WWPS Equity Analysis Protocol was developed to ensure explicit and intentional review when considering policies, programs or initiatives. According to Nelson and Brooks (2016), equity protocols provide a mechanism by which to:
- eliminate inequities
- identify clear goals, objectives and measurable outcomes
- engage community in decision-making processes
- identify who will benefit or be burdened by a given decision by examining and mitigating potential unintended consequences
- develop mechanisms for successful implementation and evaluation of impact
Equity Review Instructions
Lead facilitator/reviewer and additional review members(if applicable) complete the description page, rate the extent to which the information being reviewed reflects the specific domain and provide rationale for your rating. If completed in partnership with a member of the district's Equity department, complete the recommendation/consideration section together. Otherwise, submit completed protocol to the WWPS Equity Department who will review and provide feedback for consideration.
Protocol References:
Great Lakes Equity Center. (2014). Policy Equity Analysis Tool. https://greatlakesequity.org/sites/default/files/20150105558_equity_tool.pdf
Nelson, J., & Brooks, L. (2016, December). Racial Equity Toolkit: An Opportunity to Operationalize Equity. Government Alliance on Race and Equity. https://www.racialequityalliance.org/resources/racial-equity-toolkit-opportunity-operationalize-equity/
University of Southern California. (2017). Rossier Report: Protocol for Assessing Equity Mindedness. Center for Urban Education. https://cue.usc.edu/files/2017/02/CUE-Protocol-Workbook-Final_Web.pdf