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Classroom AI Guidelines

Vision for AI Integration in Walla Walla Public Schools

Walla Walla Public Schools will responsibly integrate artificial intelligence (AI) to support our mission of Developing Washington’s Most Sought-After Graduates. AI will be used to improve collaboration, enhance learning experiences, and empower students and staff. Our focus will remain on ensuring equity, fostering belonging, and creating opportunities for all learners to succeed in a rapidly evolving world.

We aim to use AI to inspire innovation, increase efficiency, and enrich personal connections while upholding our district’s core values and beliefs.

We Believe...

  • that diversity is our strength
  • in challenging and supporting all students
  • that quality instruction is critical to student success
  • in elevating student voice and agency
  • in investing in staff to ensure excellence
  • in maximizing the impact of our resources
  • in collaborative and transparent operation
  • in the importance of family and community


Goals for AI Integration

1. Support Ambitious Learning for All

  • Use AI tools to provide teachers with insights to enhance instructional practices through professional learning communities (PLCs).
  • Integrate AI to support personalized learning aligned with the Promise Standards, helping all students meet or exceed expectations.
  • Assist literacy efforts by embedding AI in tools that support early reading interventions and progress tracking.

2. Provide Relevant and Rigorous Learning Experiences

  • Leverage AI to help students explore 21st-century skills such as problem-solving, creativity, and ethical technology use.
  • Develop AI-enhanced resources that expand access to rigorous and challenging courses for all students, including traditionally underrepresented groups.
  • Provide students with experience in industry-forward expectations for post high school.
  • Partner with industry and post-secondary experts to incorporate AI-based internships and career-preparation tools into student pathways.

3. Promote Equity and Belonging

  • Use AI to help identify and address inequities in learning opportunities and outcomes.
  • Leverage AI systems that are void of bias, are culturally responsive and inclusive.
  • Train staff to use AI tools in ways that foster belonging and equity in classrooms.

4. Ensure Safety and Accountability

  • Strengthen cybersecurity systems using AI to protect staff, student, and district data.
  • Integrate AI tools into Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) to better monitor and support safe learning environments.
  • Teach students digital safety and responsibility, focusing on ethical and secure use of AI tools.

5. Strengthen Partnerships with Families and the Community

  • Collaborate with families to share resources and knowledge about AI and its role in education.
  • Use AI to increase engagement with parents and guardians, ensuring a welcoming environment for all.
  • Partner with local organizations to provide real-world AI learning experiences for students, fostering a sense of community and opportunity.