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Anti-bullying film focuses on competition, jealousy and disrespect among girls

Anti-bullying film focuses on competition, jealousy and disrespect among girls
- "Find Kind" (an anti-bullying film focusing on competition, jealousy and disrespect among girls)
- Free
- Thursday, Feb. 23 from 6 to 8:30 p.m.
- Walla Walla Valley Academy Auditorium (300 SW Academy Way in College Place)

Parents are encouraged to attend the film Finding Kind, an anti-bullying film addressing the issues of competition, jealousy and disrespect among girls. This is a documentary produced by two young ladies who graduated from Pepperdine University and felt a need to discuss these issues.

They traveled the country visiting 60 schools and interviewed girls and women who have been bullied, participated in bullying, or just stood by while watching it happen. The questions posed in the documentary are: Why do we accept this as the norm for our lives? Why not take the KIND pledge? Why not write a KIND apology?

This event is free of charge. Visit their site online to watch the trailer at www.kindcampaign.com.

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