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Grants boost Lincoln High School fitness and athletic programs

Grants boost Lincoln High School fitness and athletic programs
A $10,000 grant from the Stubblefield Trust and another $7500 from other local foundations and trusts have helped Lincoln High School boost its physical education and athletic programs through the purchase of new equipment. Teacher Lori Finn served as the school's grant writer. She was amazed with the response.

"We received even more money than we were asking for and by comparison shopping for the best use of the money, we were able to purchase additional equipment above what we initially requested," Finn said.

Finn said she was motivated to action following the struggles of establishing the school's first ever volleyball team.

"The net and stand needed to be duct taped to the floor and it wasn't regulation height or size," Finn said. "We also played with donated volleyballs and no equipment racks. I noticed the basketball team was dealing with the same situation. Due to funding cuts, there was no money available for equipment. I decided to look somewhere else for funding."

Grants Received:
- J.L. Stubblefield Trust - $10,000
- Mary Garner Esary Trust - $2500
- Clara & Art Bald Trust - $2500
- Pacific Power Foundation - $1500
- Harold and Helen Shepherd Foundation - $1000

Grant Purchases:
- Volleyballs, net system, equipment storage carts and knee pads
- Locking ball carts
- Girls and boys basketball uniforms
- Softball gloves and balls
- Archery cart with targets, bows, and arrows
- Ping Pong tables, paddles and balls
- Folding exercise mats
- Footballs, basketballs and soccer balls
- Badminton - birdies and racquets
- Storage shelves and bins
- Trophy/award case

"The new P.E. equipment at Lincoln has really improved our program," Physical Education Teacher Jessie Briones said. "The variety of equipment allows our students more opportunities to play different games and improve our sports programs."

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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