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Search Policies & Procedures

6213 (P) - Reimbursement for Travel Expenses



The following travel procedures are to be utilized by all staff members on all district-approved travel requests.

A. Complete and submit the required advance trip approval request form to supervisor for prior approval and signature. An estimate of all expenses anticipated should be included.

B. If the dollar amount approved is different than the total estimate, the approved amount should be noted on the form and initialed by the supervisor. Supervisors will indicate the appropriate budget number to be charged for the expense.

C. All travel arrangements and hotel reservations (including purchase orders) are to be completed at the building/department level. The state government, federal government, or conference rate (whichever is lowest) should be requested for the hotel. When none of these rates apply, hotels with reasonable rates should be considered. When staying at a conference hotel, a conference brochure indicating the conference hotels or other documentation needs to be attached to payment or reimbursement request. Approved purchase orders are an indication of travel authorization. If a purchase order is not included, a signed invoice with budget number needs to be included.

D. An appropriately signed travel voucher is an indication of expense approval of trip.

E. Upon completion of the trip, the person making the trip should complete a district travel expense voucher. The supervisor must approve and sign the voucher, attach the approved trip request form, conference brochure and/or agenda, and additional receipts as established in the travel planning guidelines. Once the travel expense voucher is fully completed, forward to the business office for final approval from the Superintendent or designee. Any travel billed to categorical programs, including special education, is to be sent to the program director for approval.

At times it is important for administrative or other staff members to represent the district at district-sponsored activities and other community events that serve to support the mission, staff or students of the district. In some cases, these events require admission, fees or other expenses to participate. Staff members wishing to attend such events shall seek prior approval from the superintendent or designee. If approved, the staff member shall be reimbursed for such costs born by them to attend the approved activity. At the discretion of the superintendent, the district may make advance payment on behalf of the staff member(s) attendance.


Revised: February 2024

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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