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New Strategic Plan focuses on student success

Tuesday, June 6, School Board members finalized a year-long journey by approving the 2017-2022 long-range Strategic Plan. The new plan focus areas: High Quality Instruction; Aligned and Coherent Systems; Social and Emotional Needs and a Safe and Engaging Environment. Superintendent Wade Smith facilitated this inclusive process which involved multiple layers of dialogue with students, staff, parents and community members.

The Strategic Planning process resulted in new Vision, Mission and Belief statements for the school district as well as measurable goals and detailed initiatives to support today’s learning needs. The new plan serves as a framework for focusing efforts, allocating resources, and prioritizing initiatives in the years to come.

“Our new Strategic Plan is a direct reflection and outcome of what we heard from staff, parents, students and community stakeholders over the past year during this extensive adoption process,” said Superintendent Wade Smith. “Our time, energy and resources over the next five years will now be directly connected to these new goals and strategies in support of our vision of “Developing Washington’s Most Sought-After Graduates.”

Earlier this spring, the School Board authorized increased funding in curriculum, technology, safety, behavioral support, student engagement and Latino student and family outreach. The Board of Directors directed Superintendent Wade Smith to strategically spend down about 1% of the district’s ending fund balance reserve to target programs, activities, and enhancements next school year and beyond. These strategic investments were a direct result of the feedback from staff, parents, students and stakeholders during the near-six-month listening campaign that helped inform the strategic direction and plan.

The Strategic Plan will utilize several success indicators to measure progress, monitor trends and guide decisions. Success Indicator examples include:
· Perception survey data
· Assessment results
· Graduation rates
· Postsecondary enrollment and remediation rates
· Healthy Youth data
· Absenteeism rates
· Student participation statistics in Extra and co-curricular and club activities

Strategic Plan Goal Summaries
Goal 1: Supporting a districtwide culture where all instructional staff reflect on their practice, collaborate with their peers, and incorporate best-practice teaching strategies to ensure high levels of learning for all students.

Goal 2: Ensuring articulated programs and systems to support a comprehensive, consistent, and responsive learning environment for all students.

Goal 3: Implementing high-quality behavioral models and interventions to support the social and emotional needs of all students.

Goal 4: Ensuring all students are engaged and connected to their school, peers, and community in a safe and secure educational setting.

Developing Washington’s Most Sought-After Graduates

Walla Walla Public Schools ensures all students receive high quality instruction in an aligned and coherent system while addressing their social and emotional needs in a safe and engaging environment.

Belief Statement - We believe:
· in challenging and supporting all students
· quality instruction is critical to student success
· in investing in staff to ensure excellence
· in maximizing the impact of our resources
· in collaborative and transparent operation
· in the importance of family and community
· diversity is a strength

Link to adopted Strategic Plan:
Strategic Plan Adopton Process

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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