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Board discusses ways to measure success

School board members approved a new five-year Strategic Plan this spring which resulted in new Vision, Mission and Values statements for the school district as well as measurable goals and detailed initiatives to support today’s learning needs. The new Strategic Plan will serve as a framework for focusing efforts, allocating resources, and prioritizing initiatives.


Goal Focus Areas

Goal 1 - High Quality Instruction

Goal 2 - Aligned and Coherent Systems

Goal 3 - Social and Emotional Needs

Goal 4 - Safe and Engaging Environment

Tuesday night, Superintendent Wade Smith and School Board members discussed potential performance indicators to measure success. These may include graduation rates, attendance, drop-out statistics, academic achievement, survey results and more.  School board members and Superintendent Smith will continue this discussion during the school board’s retreat in June. Smith said these indicators are an accountability tool to measure success. Recently the school board allocated additional resources to support the Goal Focus areas. 

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