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Wa-Hi science teacher to present at national convention

Walla Walla High School science teacher Mary Burt has been asked to present at the National Science Teachers Association conference in Portland in November. The Department of Ecology is funding this opportunity for three science teachers in Washington state.

Burt made a connection with the national leaders following a two-week professional development opportunity for high school science teachers at Baylor University last summer where she focused on research and integrating the principles of Green Chemistry into existing science curriculum. Burt’s role in the presentation at the national convention is to introduce the principles of green chemistry to other teachers and facilitate a discussion about how to integrate them into existing curriculum and the new science standards (NGSS). 

Her group will also be sharing resources available to teachers and sharing a "green chemistry" investigation developed by co-presenters that can be adapted into different types of science classrooms (Chemistry, Biology or Environmental Science). This is Burt’s first opportunity to attend a NSTA Conference.

“I think it is important to model for my students that I am always learning and trying to become a better teacher,” Burt said. “One of the focus areas for the conference is on the NGSS and shifting our teaching strategies to address all three dimensions of the standards: science practices, cross-cutting concepts, and disciplinary core ideas.

The district’s Teaching and Learning Department is also providing funds for a few high school science teachers to attend the national conference. Walla Walla educators will have the opportunity to spend conference days together attending sessions and learning how to shift instruction collaboratively in advance of reviewing new curriculum adoptions locally.

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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