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Wa-Hi junior takes first place in Microsoft Office competition

Four Microsoft Office Applications (MOS) students have placed with State times in a Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) competition. In PowerPoint 2013, junior Cameron Peters took first place, freshman Claire McKiernan placed second, and senior Ryan Manny placed third. In Word, sophomore Mackenzie Harting placed second. Peters has received an invitation to the National Competition in June in Orlando. To qualify, students needed to achieve a perfect score on their respective Certification exam, as well as complete it in an especially fast time.

Peters, in order to take the fall State Champion title, completed a perfect-score certification in 2 minutes and 47 seconds. The test has a time limit of 50 minutes, which leaves many students with no time to spare. This year, MOS added a fall qualifier to supplement the spring qualifier, which gives competitors twice as many chances to earn qualifying times. While Wa-Hi had no Excel competitors this fall, it is expected that some will participate in the spring.

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