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Green Park dedicates new “Buddy Bench”

A beautiful green bench has found its home at Green Park Elementary after staff, students and PTA leaders organized a dedication ceremony for this new addition to the school. A “Buddy Bench” is now permanently housed at Green Park to help students who are feeling lonely find a friend to play with at school. Students simply sit on the bench to alert their classmates. The intent with this strategy is to help improve school climate and reduce bullying.

The Green Park PTA funded the project. SEA-TECH students in James Polson’s Advanced Manufacturing and Welding class designed and built the bench. It will be placed on the playground on the southside of the school. Green Park PTA President Cyndy Knight is thrilled to have it on campus.

“We have an autism and life skills program here so this is a terrific tool for all students to communicate their needs without talking,” said Knight. “It is a great addition to our school and an opportunity to make a difference.”

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