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Pioneer Middle School’s Ballet Folklorico performs at Family Night

Wednesday, approximately 100 Green Park Elementary parents, students and staff joined Whitman volunteers who tutor K-3rd grade students on a weekly basis in both math and language arts to celebrate bilingual education and the learning that has occurred this past year. About 30 Whitman students who are proficient in the Spanish language walk or bike to Green Park Elementary school for one or two hours of tutoring each week.

“They have found it to be a satisfying way to use their language skills while offering support to local students who are learning in both English and Spanish, said Whitman Student Engagement Coordinator Susan Prudente. “The program is in it's second full year of outreach and looks forward to a bright future.”

An evening of food provided by La Cocina de la Abuela, crafts, family photos, a Pioneer Middle School’s Ballet Folklorico performance and building community among those involved in the program were highlights of the evening. Special thanks to Whitman Green Park Bilingual Intern, Elissa Picozzi, who had the courage and vision to make this evening happen.

PHOTO: Members of Pioneer Middle School’s Ballet Folklorico show off the new dresses they received thanks to fundraising efforts in collaboration with the GESA Powerhouse Theatre. 

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