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Board studies phased Wa-Hi bond option

The Board of Directors conducted a public work session Tuesday, Oct. 22 to discuss facility improvement options for Walla Walla High School. Board members received information on election date choices for 2014.  
Board members also reviewed information from its listening campaign following the Feb. 12, 2013 bond failure. Public work sessions, surveys, and meetings with community members were at the core of the district’s listening campaign.
Themes from the listening campaign: 
-Wa-Hi improvements are needed
-Focus on needs, not wants 
-Facility priorities (#1 science building, #2 academic building)
-Community members had enough information to make a decision
-Look for ways to reduce costs (cost was the greatest factor for people who voted no)
-Consider phasing the project (to spread out the costs over time)
-Better explain costs and how the dollars will be used
The district reconvened its Community Facilities Task Force this fall to help develop options for improving Wa-Hi. The committee has met twice this fall. The committee has looked at several options for improving Wa-Hi during these meetings, including re-running a bond similar to the Feb. 12, 2013 bond proposal.  Committee Chair Dan Reid and Greg McCracken of BLRB Architects shared a Conceptual Design Option developed by the committee for school board members and the public to review, discuss and provide input. The presentation was not a formal recommendation from the Community Facilities Task Force and the school board did not taken action on this Conceptual Design Option.  
Below are highlights from the Oct. 22 Conceptual Design Option presentation: 
-Phased approach (two bond elections)
-First bond election in 2014 and second bond election in 2019 (Edison paid for in December 2018)
-First bond approximately $25 million and the second bond approximately $26 million (these amounts could change based on the economy, interest rates, construction costs, etc.)
-First bond focuses on academic needs: Renovate the existing science building and existing academic building. Build a STEM Academy (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) addition next to the existing CTE building and build a Fitness Center attached to the existing small gym. The Fitness Center construction is needed in the first phase according to BLRB to complete the student parking areas. Also, extensive site work would be completed in the first bond. Administrators would be housed in portables throughout the first phase.
-Renovations to the existing science and academic buildings will not demolish existing walls as proposed in the Feb. 12, 2013 bond. The breezeways will remain, but the buildings will have interior hallways and no exterior doors to the classrooms. Students will enter classrooms from the inside of the building. 
-Second bond focuses on student commons area, food service kitchen, library, administration areas, music and drama building improvements, upgrades to the CTE area, tennis courts and additional site work. 
-Cost per thousand is approximately 54 cents per $1,000 for each bond election. (These tax rates could change based on economic factors including interest rates and higher than usual inflation.)
Next Steps:
School Board President Anne Golden said the school board will further review the option presented last night and discuss it in greater detail. She said the school board will most likely conduct another work session and seek input from the community on a design concept prior to a Resolution recommendation for a bond measure. Dan Reid, chair of the Community Facilities Task Force, said he will schedule another meeting later this fall after he receives feedback from the school board and district leadership team. 

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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