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Pioneer Middle school teams with Safe Travels Alliance to improve school zone safety

Pioneer Middle school teams with Safe Travels Alliance to improve school zone safety
Pioneer Middle School Principal Mira Gobel has teamed with the district school zone safety committee Safe Travels Alliance and city representatives to evaluate safe student drop-off and pick-up zones and to improve parking for staff and visitors.

The most significant change is designating the school’s main parking lot in front of the school for parents and visitors only.

Additional staff parking was created near the science building portables on the north-side of the campus by relocating a storage container. A storage container on the south-side of the school is also being relocated to offer more staff parking in this space.

Pioneer Middle School staff will be issued staff parking passes so only cars with the passes can park in the designated staff parking areas during school hours beginning April 8. Police officers will patrol these areas to enforce the new rules.

“Our local law enforcement officers will be diligent in helping everyone be safety conscious,” Gobel said. “We are positive that enforcement of the safety zones and new parking configurations will take care of some of the running between cars, darting out into traffic, and other problems we have experienced.”

Police officers will also conduct a School Zone Law Enforcement emphasis campaign beginning Monday, April 8 at Pioneer Middle School and at all district schools. The emphasis will focus on obeying speed limits, yielding to pedestrians, talking on cell phones and texting while driving. Drivers are reminded to avoid the “No Parking” areas at Pioneer Middle School. Also, there is no double parking allowed on Bridge St. as parents pick up and drop off students and “U turn” violations will be enforced.

“We encourage parents to utilize the parking spaces that are available in front of the school when dropping off and picking up students,” Gobel said.

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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