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Student Rights and Responsibilities

Section Contents


All Walla Walla Public Schools students have rights as part of their educational experiences and responsibilities to comply with written rules of the school district.
In order to maintain and advance the district’s mission, it shall be the responsibility and duty of each student to pursue his/her course of study and comply with written rules of the district.
Walla Walla Public Schools staff strive to resolve all concerns. Those closest to the concern can most accurately and efficiently address the problem. Those with concerns are encouraged to follow the steps detailed in Policy 4220.
Federal law allows the school district to release certain school directory information for legitimate educational purposes. Directory information shall not be released for commercial purposes. Parents/guardians of students have options for preventing the release of directory information.
The district will maintain those student records necessary for the educational guidance and/or welfare of students, for orderly and efficient operation of schools and as required by law.
State law provides that at certain ages students attain the right to decide for themselves what records will remain confidential, even from their parents/guardians, and the activities in which the student will participate.


Walla Walla Public Schools policy addresses students in possession of telecommunications devices including, but not limited to, pagers, beepers and cellular phones, while on school property or while attending school-sponsored or school-related activities.
Each student attending Walla Walla Public Schools has the privilege of Internet access for educational purposes and receives digital citizenship safety training. Parents/guardians of students have the ability to opt out of internet access for their child.

Discrimination, Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying

Our Schools Protect Students from Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB)

Schools are meant to be safe and inclusive environments where all students are protected from Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB), including in the classroom, on the school bus, in school sports, and during other school activities. This section defines HIB, explains what to do when you see or experience it, and our school’s process for responding to it.

What is HIB?

HIB is any intentional electronic, written, verbal, or physical act of a student that:

  • Physically harms another student or damages their property;
  • Has the effect of greatly interfering with another student’s education; or,
  • Is so severe, persistent, or significant that it creates an intimidating or threatening education environment for other students.

HIB generally involves an observed or perceived power imbalance and is repeated multiple times or is highly likely to be repeated. HIB is not allowed, by law, in our schools.

How can I make a report or complaint about HIB?

Talk to any school staff member (consider starting with whoever you are most comfortable with!). You may use our district’s reporting form to share concerns about HIB (link to form) but reports about HIB can be made in writing or verbally. Your report can made anonymously, if you are uncomfortable revealing your identity, or confidentially if you prefer it not be shared with other students involved with the report. No disciplinary action will be taken against another student based solely on an anonymous or confidential report.

If a staff member is notified of, observes, overhears, or otherwise witnesses HIB, they must take prompt and appropriate action to stop the HIB behavior and to prevent it from happening again. Our district also has a HIB Compliance Officer (Chris Gardea, Assistant Superintendent  /  cgardea@wwps.org  /  509.527.3000) that supports prevention and response to HIB.

What happens after I make a report about HIB?

If you report HIB, school staff must attempt to resolve the concerns. If the concerns are resolved, then no further action may be necessary. However, if you feel that you or someone you know is the victim of unresolved, severe, or persistent HIB that requires further investigation and action, then you should request an official HIB investigation.

Also, the school must take actions to ensure that those who report HIB don’t experience retaliation.

What is the investigation process?

When you report a complaint, the HIB Compliance Officer or staff member leading the investigation must notify the families of the students involved with the complaint and must make sure a prompt and thorough investigation takes place. The investigation must be completed within 5 school days, unless you agree on a different timeline. If your complaint involves circumstances that require a longer investigation, the district will notify you with the anticipated date for their response.

When the investigation is complete, the HIB Compliance Officer or the staff member leading the investigation must provide you with the outcomes of the investigation within 2 school days. This response should include:

  • A summary of the results of the investigation
  • A determination of whether the HIB is substantiated
  • Any corrective measures or remedies needed
  • Clear information about how you can appeal the decision

What are the next steps if I disagree with the outcome?

For the student designated as the “targeted student” in a complaint:
If you do not agree with the school district’s decision, you may appeal the decision and include any additional information regarding the complaint to the superintendent, or the person assigned to lead the appeal, and then to the school board.

For the student designated as the “aggressor” in a complaint:
A student found to be an “aggressor” in a HIB complaint may not appeal the decision of a HIB investigation. They can, however, appeal corrective actions that result from the findings of the HIB investigation.

For more information about the HIB complaint process, including important timelines, please see the district’s HIB webpage or the district’s HIB Policy [3207] and Procedure [3207P].

Our School Stands Against Discrimination

Discrimination can happen when someone is treated differently or unfairly because they are part of a protected class, including their race, color, national origin, sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, religion, creed, disability, use of a service animal, or veteran or military status.

What is discriminatory harassment?

Discriminatory harassment can include teasing and name-calling; graphic and written statements; or other conduct that may be physically threatening, harmful, or humiliating. Discriminatory harassment happens when the conduct is based on a student’s protected class and is serious enough to create a hostile environment. A hostile environment is created when conduct is so severe, pervasive, or persistent that it limits a student’s ability to participate in, or benefit from, the school’s services, activities, or opportunities.

To review the district’s Nondiscrimination Policy, click on links: 

  • Policy 3210 - Nondiscrimination - Students
  • Procedure 3210 - Nondiscrimination - Students

What is sexual harassment? 

Sexual harassment is any unwelcome conduct or communication that is sexual in nature and substantially interferes with a student's educational performance or creates an intimidating or hostile environment. Sexual harassment can also occur when a student is led to believe they must submit to unwelcome sexual conduct or communication to gain something in return, such as a grade or a place on a sports team.

Examples of sexual harassment can include pressuring a person for sexual actions or favors; unwelcome touching of a sexual nature; graphic or written statements of a sexual nature; distributing sexually explicit texts, e-mails, or pictures; making sexual jokes, rumors, or suggestive remarks; and physical violence, including rape and sexual assault.

Our schools do not discriminate based on sex and prohibit sex discrimination in all of our education programs and employment, as required by Title IX and state law.

Click on links to review the district’s Sexual Harassment Policy 3205 and Procedure 3205

When a school becomes aware of possible discriminatory or sexual harassment, it must investigate and stop the harassment. The school must address any effects the harassment had on the student at school, including eliminating the hostile environment, and make sure that the harassment does not happen again.

What can I do if I’m concerned about discrimination or harassment?

Talk to a Coordinator or submit a written complaint. You may contact the following school district staff members to report your concerns, ask questions, or learn more about how to resolve your concerns.

Concerns about discrimination:
Civil Rights Coordinator: Dr. Mindy Meyer, Human Resources Director
364 S. Park St.
Walla Walla, WA 99362
mmeyer@wwps.org / 509.527.3000

Concerns about sex discrimination, including sexual harassment:
Title IX Coordinator: Dr. Mindy Meyer, Human Resources Director
364 S. Park St.
Walla Walla, WA 99362
mmeyer@wwps.org / 509.527.3000

Concerns about disability discrimination:
Section 504 Coordinator: Michelle Carpenter, Director of Strategic Initiatives
364 S. Park St.
Walla Walla, WA 99362
mcarpenter@wwps.org / 509.527.3000

Concerns about discrimination based on gender identity:
Gender-Inclusive Schools Coordinator: Dr. Julie Perron, Director Equity and Dual Language
364 S. Park St.
Walla Walla, WA 99362
jperron@wwps.org / 509.527.3000

To submit a written complaint, describe the conduct or incident that may be discriminatory and send it by mail, fax, email, or hand delivery to the school principal, district superintendent, or civil rights coordinator. Submit the complaint as soon as possible for a prompt investigation, and within one year of the conduct or incident.

What happens after I file a discrimination complaint?

The Civil Rights Coordinator will give you a copy of the school district’s discrimination complaint procedure. The Civil Rights Coordinator must make sure a prompt and thorough investigation takes place. The investigation must be completed within 30 calendar days unless you agree to a different timeline. If your complaint involves exceptional circumstances that require a longer investigation, the Civil Rights Coordinator will notify you in writing with the anticipated date for their response.

When the investigation is complete, the school district superintendent or the staff member leading the investigation will send you a written response. This response will include:

  • A summary of the results of the investigation
  • A determination of whether the school district failed to comply with civil rights laws
  • Any corrective measures or remedies needed
  • Notice about how you can appeal the decision

What are the next steps if I disagree with the outcome?

If you do not agree with the outcome of your complaint, you may appeal the decision to [identify the decision maker on appeal identified in board policy (e.g., the School Board)] and then to the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI). More information about this process, including important timelines, is included in the district’s Nondiscrimination Procedure (3210P) and Sexual Harassment Procedure 3205.

I already submitted an HIB complaint – what will my school do?

Harassment, intimidation, or bullying (HIB) can also be discrimination if it's related to a protected class. If you give your school a written report of HIB that involves discrimination or sexual harassment, your school will notify the Civil Rights Coordinator. The school district will investigate the complaint using both the Nondiscrimination Procedure (3210P) and the HIB Procedure (3207P) to fully resolve your complaint.

Who else can help with HIB or Discrimination Concerns?

Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI)
All reports must start locally at the school or district level. However, OSPI can assist students, families, communities, and school staff with questions about state law, the HIB complaint process, and the discrimination and sexual harassment complaint processes.

OSPI School Safety Center (For questions about harassment, intimidation, and bullying)
• Website: ospi.k12.wa.us/student-success/health-safety/school-safety-center
• Email: schoolsafety@k12.wa.us
• Phone: 360-725-6068

OSPI Equity and Civil Rights Office (For questions about discrimination and sexual harassment)
• Website: ospi.k12.wa.us/policy-funding/equity-and-civil-rights
• Email: equity@k12.wa.us
• Phone: 360-725-6162

Washington State Governor’s Office of the Education Ombuds (OEO)
The Washington State Governor’s Office of the Education Ombuds works with families, communities, and schools to address problems together so every student can fully participate and thrive in Washington’s K-12 public schools. OEO provides informal conflict resolution tools, coaching, facilitation, and training about family, community engagement, and systems advocacy.
• Website: www.oeo.wa.gov
• Email: oeoinfo@gov.wa.gov
• Phone: 1-866-297-2597

U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR)
The U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR) enforces federal nondiscrimination laws in public schools, including those that prohibit discrimination based on sex, race, color, national origin, disability, and age. OCR also has a discrimination complaint process.
• Website: https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/index.html
• Email: orc@ed.gov
• Phone: 800-421-3481

Our School is Gender-Inclusive

In Washington, all students have the right to be treated consistent with their gender identity at school. Our school will:

  • Address students by their requested name and pronouns, with or without a legal name change
  • Change a student’s gender designation and have their gender accurately reflected in school records
  • Allow students to use restrooms and locker rooms that align with their gender identity
  • Allow students to participate in sports, physical education courses, field trips, and overnight trips in accordance with their gender identity
  • Keep health and education information confidential and private
  • Allow students to wear clothing that reflects their gender identity and apply dress codes without regard to a student’s gender or perceived gender
  • Protect students from teasing, bullying, or harassment based on their gender or gender identity

To review the district’s Gender-Inclusive Schools Policy 3211 and Procedure 3211, click on links. If you have questions or concerns, please contact the Gender-Inclusive Schools Coordinator:
Dr. Julie Perron - jperron@wwps.org  / 509.527.3000

For concerns about discrimination or discriminatory harassment based on gender identity or gender expression, please reach out to Dr. Perron.


Attending the schools of the district shall be recognized as a right and responsibility for those who meet the requirements prescribed by law.
Parents/guardians of any child eight years of age and under 18 years of age shall cause such child to attend school and such child shall have the responsibility to and therefore shall attend for the full time when such school may be in session unless the child is enrolled in an approved private school, an educational center as provided in chapter 28A.205 RCW or is receiving home-based instruction.
Regular school attendance is necessary for mastery of the educational program provided to students of the district and students are expected to attend all assigned classes each day. At times, students may appropriately be absent from class per the district’s attendance policy.
The district recognizes its responsibility for the proper care of students during school hours. Students will not be removed from school grounds, any school building or school function during school hours except by a person authorized according to district procedures.


Students' choices in matters of dress should be made in consultation with their parents/guardians while preserving a beneficial learning environment and assuring the safety and well-being of all students.  Student dress shall only be regulated when, in the judgment of school administrators, it is determined there is a substantial disruption of the educational process. 
The district will provide an educational program for their students as free of costs as possible.
The superintendent has the authority to establish appropriate fees and procedures governing the collection of fees to meet program needs.  A student will be responsible for the cost of replacing materials or property which are lost or damaged due to negligence. 


The district meets requirements of RCW 28A.320.125 by maintaining safe school plans and procedures to manage an emergency resulting from natural or man-made disasters. Please see the district’s Emergency Procedures website for information.
See Something, Hear Something, Say Something. Anonymously report bullying, harassment, threats of violence, suicide, drugs, weapons and other safety concerns.
  1. (Phone) 855.976.8772
  2. (Text) 855.976.8772
  3. (Email) 1057@ALERT1.US
  4. (Web) 1057.ALERT1.US
Students who bring bicycles, skateboards or other wheeled devices to school must comply with the school guidelines. Riding bicycles, skateboards, or other wheeled devices on the campus (including walkways) is prohibited at all times. Failure to do so will jeopardize their privilege of bringing these devices to school.
The closed campus principle requiring all students to remain on the school grounds from the time of arrival until officially excused shall apply to all schools in the Walla Walla School District, with the exception of the high school during the lunch hour.
It is a violation of district policy and state law for any person to carry a firearm or dangerous weapon on school premises, school-provided transportation or areas of other facilities being used exclusively for school activities unless specifically authorized by state law.
The board has adopted regarding their obligation to staff, students and citizens to take reasonable steps to assure safety in the workplace and to provide safety and high quality performance for the students that the staff serves.
The use of tobacco products and delivery devices on school property, including all district buildings, grounds and district owned vehicles, is prohibited at all times.
The learning environment and the staff's time for students shall be as free as possible from interruption. All visitors except those attending scheduled school activities must immediately register at the office upon their arrival at a school.
In December 2020, the mandatory three-year inspection of the Walla Walla Public Schools facilities was successfully completed. This inspection is required by the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response ACT (AHERA) of 1986. AHERA regulations also require that annual notification be given to teachers, workers, and the students’ parents/guardians to update them on the status of asbestos in their schools and of the availability of the management plans. Walla Walla Public Schools conducts six-month periodic surveillance inspections in January and July to check the condition of the asbestos-containing building materials and the records are kept at Plant Facilities. The inspection reports are included in the updated copies of the AHERA Management Plans that are located in the district plant facilities office and district schools.  FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact the Facilities Director (Asbestos Designated Person) for the district (1174 Entley St., Walla Walla, WA 99362, 509-527-3018).
The board of directors presumes that the person who enrolls a student in school is the residential parent/legal guardian of the student. The residential parent/guardian is responsible for decisions regarding the day-to-day care and control of the student.The district, unless informed otherwise, assumes that there are no restrictions regarding the nonresidential parents/guardians right to be kept informed of the student's school progress and activities.

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

Vector Solutions - Vector Alert Safe Schools Tip Line: 855.976.8772  |  Online Tip Reporting System