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3432 (P) - Emergencies



Walla Walla Public Schools complies with the requirements of RCW28A.320.125 (Safe Schools Plans). District and School emergency procedures and plans, Incident Command System teams, Crisis Recovery teams, drill logs, hazardous materials and site maps are located on Rapid Responder per Washington State Sheriff’s Association requirements. All plans are reviewed annually prior to the October 15 deadline. The district’s School Resource Officer, Walla Walla County Sheriff Deputy, manages and monitors Rapid Responder.

Below are a list of the district’s Emergency Procedures:


1.   The fire alarm siren (continuous tone) will sound initiating evacuation procedures.

2.   Move in an orderly fashion following the evacuation route.

3.   Doors need to be closed but not locked. Lights may be off or on.

4.   Take your class (no less than 50’) from the building to a designated area.

5.   Keep your class together and follow the evacuation drill procedures.

6.   After arriving at the designated site, account for all students, making note of missing or extra students, and hold for communication from the office.

7.   Wait for further instructions from administration / emergency officials.

Evacuation during Class Transition or Lunch

Gather as many students as possible from the hallway and escort them to the nearest evacuation area. Once at the evacuation site, students need to report to their homeroom teacher. Finally, take roll of the students that are in your care.

Lockdown: Imminent danger

1.   A European siren (intermittent tone) or verbal command will initiate lockdown procedures. The statement below will be given over the intercom if possible or in another form of communication: “STAFF, THIS IS A LOCKDOWN. LOCKDOWN YOUR CLASSROOMS AND THE BUILDING”

2.   Check the immediate area outside of your teaching area and bring in any students, staff, parents or volunteers who might be close. Move all individuals out of sight.

3.   If you are responsible for locking outside doors, do so. Lock classroom doors, windows, close blinds, shut off lights and sit on floor. Maintain a quiet and calm environment.

4.   Account for all students. Make note of missing or extra students. Hold for communication from the office.

5.   Do not unlock your doors or leave the room until you have contact with administration/ emergency officials.

LOCKDOWN during Class Transition or Lunch

Lockdown: If you are in or near your classroom, immediately gather as many students as possible from the hallway and bring them into your room. Follow lockdown procedures. If you are away from your room gather as many students as possible from the hallway and get into a room.

Staff: It is important in a Lockdown situation that we take roll of the students that are in our care at that time.

ATTENTION: In the event of imminent danger, staff have the option to use Avoid, Deny, Defend procedures at their discretion to ensure the safety of all individuals.

Secure Room/Building

Potentially Dangerous Situation or Medical Emergency Existing AT YOUR BUILDING

1.   When initiating a secure room/building, the following announcement will be given over the intercom: “STAFF, PLEASE SECURE YOUR CLASSROOMS AND THE BUILDING”

2.   Check the immediate area outside of your teaching area and bring in any students, staff, parents or volunteers who might be close. Account for all students.

3.   If you are responsible for locking exterior doors, do so. Lock classroom doors, windows and close blinds.

4.   There will be no outside activity and no individual movement around campus, unless directed by the administration.

5.   Restroom use will be done in groups, only after permission is given from the main office.

6.   Continue to teach and/or house students within your classroom.

7.   Normal school activities will resume upon notification from administration /emergency officials.


1.   DROP, COVER AND HOLD. Stay calm and instruct all students to crawl underneath a desk and remain there until they receive further instructions.

2.   If students are not in a classroom they need to drop, cover and hold.

3.   If you are outside find an open area away from power lines, power poles, buildings, trees, etc.

4.   After the earthquake stops be prepared to evacuate quickly and efficiently. Be prepared for aftershocks.

5.   Do not evacuate or move students unless directed to do so by administration.

Medical Emergencies

1.   Assess and secure the area; seek extra staff help.

2.   Contact 911, and office if applicable, advise of the situation (who, what, when and where).

3.   Render assistance until further advised.

4.   Move students as directed by officials.

Fairgrounds Parent Reunification

Walla Walla Public Schools has partnered with the Walla Walla County Fairgrounds to reunify with parents at the fairgrounds site if it is not safe to stay at the school. Students are bused to the fairgrounds and parents are contacted to pick up their children.


Staff and students are trained in Shelter-in-Place procedures should an airborne or other environmental hazard be near the school. This procedure limits physical exposure to the hazardous materials. Sheltering in place provides refuge for students, staff and the public inside the school building during an emergency. Shelters are located in areas of the building that maximize the safety of inhabitants. Sheltering in place is used when evacuation would put people at risk (i.e., tornado, environmental hazard, blocked evacuation route).

Shelter areas may change depending on the emergency.

•     Identify safe areas in each school building.

•     Building administrator announces that students and staff must go to shelter areas.

•     Bring all persons inside building(s).

•     Teachers take class rosters.

•     Close all exterior doors and windows, if appropriate.

•     Turn off ventilation leading outdoors, if appropriate.

•     Teachers account for all students after arriving in shelter area.

•     All persons remain in shelter areas until a building administrator or emergency responder declares that it is safe to leave.

If all evacuation routes are blocked:

•     Stay in room and close door.

•     Keep air as clean as possible.

-     Seal door.

-     Open or close windows as appropriate.

-     Limit movement and talking in room.

Communicate your situation to administration or emergency officials by whatever means possible.

Revised: November 2018

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

Vector Solutions - Vector Alert Safe Schools Tip Line: 855.976.8772  |  Online Tip Reporting System