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District Provides Most School Supplies

District Continues to Provide Most School Supplies for Families

Most school and classroom supplies will continue to be provided for all WWPS students and families throughout the 2021-22 school year. For elementary aged students there is no expectation that families procure specific school supplies, cleaning/hygiene products, or other classroom materials for their child. Middle and high school students are asked to only bring a limited set of individual supplies with them to campus.

See below for a summary of district-provided and family-provided items:

Preschool/Head Start
- Head Start provides basic school supplies (backpacks, pens, pencils, markers and crayons)

- WWPS provides all school supplies (e.g. pens, pencils, markers/crayons, glue, tissue, hand sanitizer, or other classroom supplies)
- Families provide: Backpacks

Middle School/High School
- WWPS provides composition notebooks and course specific items such has graphing calculators and rulers. Classrooms will continue to be stocked with hand sanitizer.
- Families provide: 3-ring binder with loose paper, writing utensils (pencils/pens) and a backpack

NOTE: Families in financial hardship are asked to contact their child’s school secretary to make arrangements if they are unable to meet one or more of the above provisions.

The district is still waiting for school guidance from the Washington State Department of Health related to masks and other safety precautions. Should masks be required by the state, the district will make these PPE items available to students.


WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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