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16th District Early Learning Roundtable

District 16th Legislators tour Walla Walla Center for Children & Families as part of Early Learning Roundtable

Today Walla Walla Public Schools and the Walla Walla Valley Early Learning Coalition hosted an Early Learning Roundtable with District 16 Legislators Senator Perry Dozier, Representative Mark Klicker and Representative Skyler Rude at the Walla Walla Center for Children & Families (WWCCF).

The event included a tour of the new early learning center, an overview of local early learning projects benefiting from state investments and a celebration of the Fair Start for Kids Act’s impact on families and early learning. Superintendent Dr. Wade Smith kicked off the roundtable with a recap of how the district re-purposed Blue Ridge Elementary School into a regional early learning center for children and families beginning last school year.

WWCCF provides birth-to-five services for youth and parents as a coordinated and comprehensive community learning hub. From parenting education and support to infant care and early learning, the center is far more than just a preschool. Its services will address and help overcome the staggering access gap for many Walla Walla youth and families, promoting an inclusive community resource that encourages integration, engagement and opportunity for all.

“This was an excellent opportunity to recognize the Walla Walla valley as a unique early learning community,” said Samantha Bowen, director of WWCCF. “We appreciate our 16th District Legislators for taking time from their busy schedules to learn more about how we work in partnership with community resources and providers to scaffold programs and services for children and families in the Walla Walla valley.”

Representatives from regional agencies and non-profit organizations expressed the challenges families face accessing quality childcare and early learning programs in the region. Bowen said WWCCF is excited to help meet these important needs in the community.

Families or community members interested in learning more about the available programs or who would like to take a tour of the facility, may visit the website at www.wwccf.org or call (509) 527-3066.



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