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Annual FFA Plant Sale set for May

Walla Walla High School FFA students are gearing up for their annual Plant Sale. An official date is not set at this time, but FFA students are looking at the first week of May for the sale based on deliveries and plant availability.

“Thanks to our Agricultural Team (Arch McHie, Jessica Johnson, Erin Peek and Peggy Payne) we were able to get soil mixed, flats filled and plugs planted,” said Ag Teacher and FFA Advisor Arch McHie. “Students helped get the last 3,000 of about 14,000 plugs planted once school opened to small groups, and hybrid classes are now caring for and prepping for the sale.”

McHie said COVID has made planning the annual sale more challenging, but he is energized when he sees how much it means to the students.

“It certainly hasn't been the easiest process this year, but seeing how excited our students are right now to be a part of the annual sale was worth every long day and evening to get to this point,” said McHie. “Look for more details on dates and times as we continue to plan for this much anticipated annual event.”

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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