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Edison Students Replicate Famous Art

Edison Elementary teacher Eli Entrena wanted students in her school to have more opportunities to study and appreciate art. She landed on a hands-on project where students and staff select a famous piece of art and then try to recreate it using their own creativity. All students, kindergarten through 5th grade, were invited to participate and then showcase their work on the school’s main hallway as "The Gallery." Entrena also encouraged students to involve their families. 

“They chose the painting first, then they tried to come up with a costume to match the painting, then they pose in that same position,” said Entrena. “If you look at some of the projects, they include creative outfits, their animals and an outside setting, and some included their mom and dad.”

Entrena plans to make a video presentation as a keepsake for the students and their families. She said the response to the project has been very positive and has the students talking about art. 

“I hope they enjoy looking at art, not only saying oh look at what somebody did, but rather, look at what I can also do,” said Entrena. “I think the beginning of becoming an artist is believing you can be creative.”

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