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Adams says Farewell

For the past 25 years children in Walla Walla have been in the good care of Leonard Adams while riding school buses to and from school. Today he clocked out for the final time, wrapping up his 30 years of employment with the school district.

Prior to getting behind the wheel of a big, yellow school bus Adams served as a teacher’s aide and was the district’s first-ever campus security officer. This position was a natural fit for Adams who spent three decades with the Walla Walla Police Department in a variety of law enforcement roles before transitioning to education.

Adams attended Edison Elementary and Pioneer Junior High School before graduating from Walla Walla High School in 1957. He also did a three year hitch in the Army as an ordinance specialist before returning to Walla Walla to begin a career in law enforcement.

Adams was famously known around the Transportation Department for sharing his love of history, especially telling stories of Walla Walla he encountered during his life. Adams’ father was also a school bus driver for part of his career and Leonard’s son Scott is now employed as a driver to mark three generations of Adams serving the community as school bus drivers.

Adams said he was fortunate to get paid for doing something he cherished so dearly. He said his heart is filled with precious memories and his love for the children of Walla Walla will always be with him.

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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