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Whitman College Story Time

Whitman College Story Time YouTube channel promotes love of reading
Whitman College students participating in the school’s Story Time program created a YouTube channel featuring college students reading aloud to Walla Walla Public Schools students. New videos will be posted every week throughout the school year.

Story Time YouTube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHJBqfAZxJ4L2bE2BXmjBnA

“Reading with the youngest members of our community remains essential, especially during the pandemic,” said Program Leader Claire Weissman. “This project aims to improve kids’ listening, speaking, writing, reading, and critical thinking skills through exposure to reading while also promoting diversity, acceptance, and the celebration of differing cultures through stories.”

Executive Director of Teaching and Learning Christy Krutulis says this longstanding partnership has a tremendous impact on district students and educators.

“For nearly 20 years our students have benefited from our partnership with Whitman students and their Story Time program,” said Krutulis. “We are so grateful for the innovation Whitman students have shown this year to continue to enrich our students' engagement with literature through their YouTube channel while they are waiting to return in-person to our classrooms.”

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