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COVID-19 Closure Update By Sup't Smith

March 27, 2020 - I hope that all of you are keeping safe during these extraordinary times we find ourselves in. The incredible impact COVID-19 continues to have on our students, families, and community is no doubt significant. As it has been over a week since I last communicated to the community at large, I felt a brief update regarding the amazing work our staff and students have accomplished was due.

I remain humbled and awestruck by the accomplishments from my colleagues over recent days. As most of you are aware, in less than a week we transformed our educational delivery system to support 6,000 preschool through high school students, implementing a program to ensure ALL of our children maintain connection with their teachers, that learning continues, and students remain on track for graduation and beyond. Consistent with our established guiding principles, grounded in an equity lens, we are very proud of what we have developed in such short time during this unprecedented event. 

This Monday (and every Monday throughout this closure) over 2,600 individual learning packets were/will be picked up by preschool and elementary parents. Created individually by classroom teachers and specialists, every student receives a customized learning packet that contains lessons, activities, and learning components to ensure all of our youngest learners continue to remain on track. The smiles on students' faces when they picked up their packets on Monday was priceless. As students eagerly read individual notes from their teachers, parent in tow sprinting down the sidewalk, many couldn't wait to get home to tear into their weekly learning activities planned for them. We are even going so far as to provide 2,600 jump ropes next week for students to ensure they remain active while at home. Our transportation department stepped up as well and hand-delivered packets to families who were unable to pick them up due to lack of transportation.

For our middle and high school students, our teachers worked around the clock to convert our entire secondary learning program onto an online platform (Google Classroom). This was an extraordinary accomplishment where all 3500 students access their 6-7 classes daily, interacting with their teachers and classmates online. Students are participating in real-time online chats with their teachers and peers, teachers are recording lessons online, and students are submitting homework and taking quizzes/tests over the platform. To ensure EVERY student had access, regardless of family circumstances, we got out well ahead of the curve before school closures were announced. We surveyed students before schools were closed, inquiring who didn't have access to technology or the internet from home. We quickly acquired 500 wifi hotspots (that are now near impossible to acquire nationwide), pulled together over 1,000 Chromebooks, and on Monday distributed them to every middle and high school student who didn't have access. Our IT Department was extraordinary in creating grab-and-go technology bags for each student to ensure that every student’s learning could continue.

Other notable accomplishments that you may have heard about include our incredible food service staff. They ramped up overnight and are serving nearly 1,900 meals per day at 12 grab-and-go sites across our community. With the help of our Transportation Department they are providing nearly 100 door side deliveries to families without transportation. Additionally, our classified staff rose to the call, providing childcare to over 100 students whose families serve in critical access/first responder situations. Without this support, many of our community's doctors, nurses, and safety personnel would be forced to stay at home, unable to provide the critical care that we know is needed during this crisis.

Although our district stepped up without hesitation to address these unprecedented times, I can tell you that what we have accomplished is far from the norm across our state. You should all be very proud of your local school district and the incredible people who serve it. Please take the time to thank a teacher or support staff when you see them. They have all gone above and beyond the call and serve as an example for districts across the state, many of whom are still reeling from the closure announcement.

Although we are off to a great start, we know the coming weeks and months won’t be easy. Whether this closure is short term, or will last longer, we know there will be challenges; families will forget to pick up and return packets, technology won't always work as planned, and students will long for the face-to-face connection with their teachers, coaches and peers. I continue to reiterate to our staff and community that now is the time to rely on each other and our support staff. Know that our counselors, intervention specialists, and mental health staff are here to assist our students, especially those most vulnerable. If you know of a student or family struggling, please reach out to us and we will do everything in our power to assist. It won’t be easy but we can do this!

Please be safe, keep an eye on your family, neighbors and our youth, and be sure to care for yourself.

Superintendent Dr. Wade Smith

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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