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سياسات وإجراءات البحث

1731 (ع)-نفقات أعضاء مجلس الإدارة

الإجراء الإداري رقم 1731

نفقات أعضاء مجلس الإدارة

It is important for board members to participate and represent the district at district-sponsored activities and other community events that serve to support the mission, staff or students of the district. In some cases, these events require admission, fees or other expenses to participate. Board members wishing to attend such events shall confer with either the board president or superintendent. If approved, the board member shall be reimbursed for such costs born by them to attend the approved activity. At the discretion of the superintendent, the district may make advance payment on behalf of the board member(s) attendance.

Additionally, at a board member’s request, advance payment to cover anticipated expenses for representing the district may be made. After returning from the meeting or conference, the board member will submit a detailed travel voucher and return the unexpended portion of the advance payment.

Reimbursable expenses are:

A. Transportation expense including fares for commercial or public carriers and mileage at the district-approved rate when using one’s own private vehicle;

B. Fees and registration costs for conferences and meetings;

C. Hotel or motel fees at a single-room rate;

D. Reasonable expenses for meals; and

E. Such incidental expenses as parking fees, reasonable duplication costs, or internet costs and the like which are incurred for the benefit of the district.

Expenses for personal benefit or entertainment will not be reimbursed.


صدر: فبراير 2024

مدارس ولاء العامة • 364 شارع ساوث بارك • والا والا 99362 • الهاتف: 509-527-3000 • الفاكس: 509.529.7713

حلول المتجهات - تنبيه المتجهات خط نصيحة المدارس الآمنة: 855.976.8772  |  نظام الإبلاغ عن الإكرامية عبر الإنترنت