
3225 - 基于学校的威胁评估

董事会政策第 3225 号


学区致力于为学生和教职员工提供安全可靠的学习环境。 该政策建立了基于学校的威胁评估计划,以提供及时和有条理的基于学校的威胁评估和管理。

Student behavior, rather than a student’s demographic or personal characteristics, will serve as the basis for a school-based threat assessment.

The threat assessment process is distinct from student discipline procedures. The district will not impose suspension or expulsion, including emergency removal, solely for investigating student conduct or conducting a threat assessment. However, nothing in this policy precludes district personnel from acting immediately to address an imminent threat, including imposing an emergency removal, if the district has sufficient cause to believe that the student’s presence poses an immediate and continuing danger to other students or school personnel or an immediate and continuing threat of material and substantial disruption of the educational process.

学监应建立并确保培训一个多学科、多机构的威胁评估小组,为学区学校服务。 由于威胁评估团队必须是多学科和多机构的,它可能包括具有以下专业知识的人员:

• 咨询,例如学校辅导员、学校心理学家和/或学校干预专家
• 执法部门,例如学校资源官员
• 学校管理人员,例如校长或其他高级管理人员
• 其他学区或学校工作人员
• 社区顾问
• 特殊教育教师
• 执业教育工作人员。

并非每个多学科团队成员都需要参与每个威胁评估。 当面临接受特殊教育服务的学生或针对接受特殊教育服务的学生的潜在威胁时,威胁评估团队必须包括一名特殊教育教师或管理人员的团队成员。

Although parents, guardians, or family members are often interviewed as part of the threat assessment process, neither the student nor the student’s family members are part of the threat assessment team.

Each threat assessment team member, whether a teacher, counselor, school administrator, other school staff, contractor, consultant, or other individual, functions as a “school official with a legitimate educational interest” in educational records controlled and maintained by the district. The district provides the threat assessment team access to educational records as specified by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). No member of a threat assessment team, including district/school-based members and community resource/law enforcement members, shall use any student record beyond the prescribed purpose of the threat assessment team or re-disclose records obtained by being a member of the threat assessment team, except as permitted by FERPA.

• 识别和评估学生对自己、其他学生、教职员工、学校访客或学校财产构成威胁或潜在威胁的行为。 应根据 2145 号政策——自杀预防,及时评估未伴有伤害他人威胁的自残或自杀威胁。
• Gathers and analyzes information about the student’s behavior to determine a level of concern for the threat. The threat assessment team may conduct interviews of the person(s) who reported the threat, the recipient(s) or target(s) of the threat, other witnesses who have knowledge of the threat, and where reasonable, the individual(s) who allegedly engaged in the threatening behavior or communication. The purpose of the interviews is to evaluate the individual’s threat in context to determine the meaning of the threat and intent of the individual. The threat assessment team may request and obtain records in the district’s possession, including student education, health records, and criminal history record information. The purpose of obtaining information is to evaluate situational variables, rather than the student’s demographic or personal characteristics.
• 确定风险的性质、持续时间和严重程度,以及对政策、实践或程序的合理修改是否会降低风险。 威胁评估小组不会根据概括或刻板印象来确定威胁。 相反,威胁评估团队根据合理判断、最佳可用客观证据或当前适用的医学证据进行个性化评估;
• 与彼此、学校管理人员和其他需要了解特定信息以支持学校、学生和员工的安全和福祉的学校工作人员进行合法和合乎道德的沟通; 和
• 及时向主管或指定人员报告其决定。

Depending on the level of concern determined, the threat assessment team develops and implements intervention strategies to manage the student’s behavior in ways that promote a safe, supportive teaching, and learning environment, without excluding the student from the school.

In cases where the student whose behavior is threatening or potentially threatening also has a disability, the threat assessment team aligns intervention strategies with the student’s individualized education program (IEP) or the student’s plan developed under section 504 of the rehabilitation act of 1973 (section 504 plan) by coordinating with the student’s IEP team or section 504 plan team. Although some of the functions of a school-based threat assessment may run parallel to the functions of a student’s IEP team or 504 plan team, school-based threat assessments remain distinct from those teams and processes.

The superintendent shall establish procedures for collecting and submitting data related to the school-based threat assessment program that comply with OSPI’s monitoring requirements, processes, and guidelines.


董事会政策 2121 - 药物滥用计划
Board Policy 2145 - Suicide Prevention
董事会政策 2161 - 为符合条件的学生提供特殊教育和相关服务
Board Policy 2162 - Education of Students with Disabilities Under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Board Policy 3143 - District Notification of Juvenile Offenders
董事会政策 3231 - 学生记录
董事会政策 3432 - 紧急情况
董事会政策 3241 - 学生纪律
董事会政策 4210 - 对学校场所危险武器的监管
董事会政策 4310 - 学区与执法部门和其他政府机构的关系
Board Policy 4314 - Notification of Threats of Violence of Harm

第 28A.300 章 RCW
第 28A.320 章 RCW
CFR 34,第 99 部分,家庭教育权利和隐私法规定

采用:21 年 2020 月 XNUMX 日
修订日期:16 年 2024 月 XNUMX 日

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