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Back to School Checklist

Introduction Video


Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!


Wade Smith

Dear Walla Walla Public Schools Parents/Guardians:

The first day of school for 1st-12th grade students is Wednesday, August 21. Kindergarten programs and Transition to Kindergarten (4-year-old program at the Walla Walla Center for Children & Families) start a few days later on August 26 to allow for individual teacher-parent meetings. Head Start and ECEAP preschool programs at the Walla Walla Center for Children and Families start school Tuesday, September 3.

For your convenience we continue to implement our annual Welcome Back to School Checklist in Skyward (our online parent/student information system), where families complete all required forms and receive important school information and updates. This checklist must be completed every year, and contains essential information and updates. Simply log into Skyward to get started, or visit any school website to locate the Welcome Back to School Checklist. If you need help accessing Skyward, contact your child’s school secretary. All families are asked to complete this checklist for each of their children by the first day of school.

An important part of the packet allows you to verify if your student and family information is correct. It is critical that we have accurate contact information for you so we can communicate important school announcements and reach you in case of an emergency via ParentSquare. Again, if you have questions about completing this annual update, please contact your child’s school secretary. 

We look forward to seeing you soon as we work together to realize our vision of Developing Washington’s Most Sought-After Graduates. Remember to complete your Welcome Back to School Checklist for each of your students by the first day of school. 

We are looking forward to a great school year and I can’t wait for our students, families and faculty to return back to our campuses to continue our work of educating, inspiring and fostering the talents, dreams and aspirations of our 5,500 students. 

Dr. Wade Smith

Skyward Family Access

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