회원가입2024-25학년도 공개 등록 및 유치원 등록이 시작되었습니다    등록 정보 | 유치원 정보

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검색 정책 및 절차

1210시 XNUMX분 - 연례 조직 회의

이사회 방침 제1210호


At the first regular meeting at which newly elected and certified board members are seated in election years and at the first regular meeting in December in non-election years, the board will elect from among its members a president and a vice-president to serve one year terms. A newly appointed board member will not be eligible to serve as an officer or legislative representative unless a majority of the board has been appointed. If a board member is unable to continue to serve as an officer, a replacement will be elected immediately. In the absence of both the president and the vice-president, the board shall elect a president pro tempore who will perform the functions of the president during the latter's absence. The superintendent shall act as board secretary. In order to provide a record of the proceedings of each meeting of the board, the superintendent will appoint a recording secretary of the board.

In even-numbered years at the same meeting, a WSSDA legislative representative will be elected to serve a two-year term.

The normal order of business will be modified for the annual organizational meeting by considering the following matters, after the approval of the minutes of the previous meeting:

A. Welcome and introduction of newly elected board members by the chair/president;
B. Call for nominations for chair/president to serve during the ensuing year;
C. Election of a chair/president (roll call vote);
D. Assumption of office by the new chair/president;
E. Call for nominations for vice chair/president to serve during the ensuing year;
F. Election of a vice chair/president (roll call vote);
G. (if applicable) Call for nominations for WSSDA legislative representative to serve for the next two years; and
H. Election of a WSSDA legislative representative.

정책은 이사회가 변경하지 않는 한 매년 계속될 것입니다.

법적 참고자료:
RCW 28A.400.030 교육감의 임무
RCW 28A.330.010 Board president, vice-president - Secretary
RCW 28A.330.020 Certain board elections, manner and vote required - Selection of personnel, manner
RCW 28A.330.050 Duties of superintendent as secretary as secretary of the board
RCW 29A.60.280 Local elected officials, commencement of term of office


채택일: 16년 2002월 XNUMX일
개정: 21년 2017월 XNUMX일
개정: 19년 2024월 XNUMX일

왈라왈라 공립학교 • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • 전화: 509-527-3000 • 팩스: 509.529.7713

벡터 솔루션 - 벡터 경고 안전한 학교 팁 라인: 855.976.8772  |  온라인 팁 보고 시스템