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Success Indicators Glossary

English Language Proficiency Assessment

The ELPA measures non-native English speaker's mastery of the English language in their ability to read, write, listen and speak in the English language and is given to each language learner annually. Once a student demonstrates mastery on the battery of assessments, he/she are deemed proficient in the English language.

Chronic Absenteeism (aka Regular Attendance)

A chronically absent student is defined as a student who misses 18 or more full days of school for any reason, excused or unexcused. This represents 10% of the school year, and can mean a student misses as few as two days of school per month. Chronic absenteeism has significant impacts on a student’s achievement, even in early grades. Students who are chronically absent are more likely to fall behind in reading and math, and are also more likely to not graduate from high school.

ACT Scores

The ACT measures college readiness and is a tool to predict future academic success. Typically students who are intending or planning to go to college will take either the ACT or SAT towards the end of their high school experience. WWPS is a unique district in that we provide the ACT, free of charge, and assess all seniors in the district, regardless of their intention on going to post-secondary education.

9th Grade Course Failures (aka On Track)

Calculated as the percentage of 9th grade students who complete their ninth grade year having fallen behind a semester or more in successfully completing either Language Arts, Math, or Science. Ninth grade course failure is a primary early warning indicator for dropping out of high school. Studies have shown students who are unsuccessful their ninth grade year are six times less likely to graduate.

4 and 5 Year Graduation Rates

The percent of students in a cohort that graduate in 4 or 5 years. (The group enters 9th grade for the first time, adjusted for transfers in and out)

Post-Secondary Enrollment

Percentage of high school graduates who enrolled in public or private 2-year and 4-year colleges and universities.

Post-Secondary Remediation Rates

Percentage of high school graduates who enrolled in a public or private 2-year or 4-year college or university who needed to take a remediation course in English or Math within one year of graduating high school.