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Goal 2: Aligned & Coherent Systems

Outcome Statement: Ensuring articulated programs and systems to support a comprehensive, consistent, and responsive learning environment for all students. Success Indicators Glossary

Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum

Success Indicators

  • 9th grade On Track as measured by OSPI
    • TARGET GOAL: 85% - by 2021-22 *Note that when this target was established by the School Board, On-track was measured defined as "Course Failure Rate" in Math, ELA and Science. OSPI now refers to the indicator as "On Track" and defines "on track" as not failing any course in 9th grade. 

  • 4 yr & 5yr graduation rates

Program and Systems Alignment

  • Bilingual Education / Highly Capable / Special Education / Technology programs support and coordination

Success Indicators

  • English Language Learners Program Exit Status
  • Special education proficiency and growth results in ELA and math (SBAC)
  • Staff/community perception survey data 

Post-secondary Culture

  • Expanding partnerships with community, business, and outside resources to engage, expose and support students with their post-secondary options

Success Indicators

  • Post Secondary Enrollment and Remediation Rates
  • ACT Results
    • TARGET GOAL: 22 - by 2021-22
2017-2022 Strategic Plan Performance Results