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Goal 1: High Quality Instruction

Outcome Statement: Supporting a districtwide culture where all instructional staff analyze student data, reflect on their practice, collaborate with their peers, and incorporate best-practice teaching strategies to ensure high levels of learning for all students. Success Indicators Glossary

Shared Organizational Leadership

  • Development and support for school-based instructional leadership teams
  • Continued utilization and support for School Board and district committee structures

Success Indicator

  • Staff/community perception survey data


Best-practice Instructional Strategies

  • Identification, training and implementation of best-practice instructional strategies

Success Indicators

  • Annual progress monitoring of building specific five-year instructional support plans
  • School-level proficiency and growth results in ELA and math (SBAC) 
    • Target Goal: 2.5% annual improvement

Climate of Collaboration and Practitioner Reflection

  • Fostering a productive climate of collaboration (PLC's) where staff analyze student data, are encouraged to take risks, share successes/failures, and explore new practices in order to improve student learning

Success Indicator

  • Staff perception survey data
2017-2022 Strategic Plan Performance Results