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Student Recovery Plan

In March of 2021 the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) announced guidance for Washington State school districts related to their Academic and Student Well-Being Recovery Planning process. As codified in federal and state law, to access federal Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds, districts were required to develop and present their plans in accordance with established guidance. District plans were to address both academic recovery and social well-being supports, implement equity review audits, and consider activities that could occur both inside and outside of the traditional school year and day.

Preliminary plans established by districts are to be reviewed and revised over the coming 2021-2022 school year as districts review, reflect and modify programming based on outcomes and ongoing stakeholder input.

After considerable engagement, including intentional student, staff and parent voice/input, the Walla Walla Public Schools (WWPS) Board of Directors has chosen to initially invest in the following supports/resources for the summer of 2021 and throughout the 2021-2022 school year. The identified programming compliments the district's current Strategic Plan, investing in innovative research-based activities and experiences that align with the district's vision, mission and beliefs.    

Student Well-Being Initiatives



Strategic Plan Goal Alignment

Establish Building-level SEL Teams Develop building level SEL teams to cultivate and ensure building SEL culture. Teams will receive training, serve as train-the-trainers, and support building-wide initiatives to embed SEL practices across the campus/classrooms. Goal 3: Social & Emotional Needs
Certified Counseling at Every Site

Ensure every elementary has a certified counselor. The elementary counselor will allocate approximately half their day pushing into the classroom, providing intentional SEL curriculum and supports. Provide an additional counselor at each middle school to ensure the same. Hire a bilingual counselor at WaHi and counselor at Lincoln HS to support students/families.

Goal 3: Social & Emotional Needs
Establish Intervention Specialists/Home Visitor Program Combo Establish a home visitor position at each site that is targeted to deliver unique services and supports (e.g. family outreach, attendance, community coordination access, SEL) in addition to the existing general intervention specialist position. Goal 3: Social & Emotional Needs
Implement K-8 SEL Curriculum Identify, train and implement K-8 classroom SEL curriculum. Goal 3: Social & Emotional Needs
Support Sources of Strength Program Promote the Sources of Strength program to address MS and HS student belonging and empowerment. Goal 3: Social & Emotional Needs
Staff Professional Development Provide essential professional development for staff (formative assess, SEL, inclusion, equity, project based, etc.) and additional time for staff to collaborate around student need, case management, student assessment and intervention support.  Goal 1: High Quality Instruction / Goal 3: Social & Emotional Needs
Targeted Support for Students of Color Establish community partnerships and mentor program for students of color.  Goal 3: Social & Emotional Needs / Goal 4: Safe & Engaging Environment
Student Transition Support

Supporting students as they transition to KG, 6th Grade and 9th grade, incorporating key pre-start activities and experiences. Additionally, include new to 1st grade student transition support.

Goal 2: Aligned & Coherent Systems / Goal 3: Social & Emotional Needs


Academic Recovery and Acceleration Plan



Strategic Plan Goal Alignment

Hire Additional Certified Staff to Provide Intervention and Class Size Reduction Supports Procuring up to 21 additional certificated staff who will be used to reduce class size either whole day or reduce curricular class sizes during core or intervention sessions. At the secondary levels, provide additional certificated staff to ensure intervention and academic support for struggling students as well as reduce class size at targeted levels/courses. Goal 1: High Quality Instruction
Communities in Schools Coordination Partner with Communities in Schools to provide recruitment and coordination of community support and initiatives. Additionally, coordinate "in-the-moment" tutoring for students. Goal 1: High Quality Instruction / Goal 3: Social & Emotional Needs
After School Supports Supplementation

Provide additional resources to ensure non gear-up grade spans can also access after school and during-school support.


Ensure 21st Century afterschool opportunities at all sites.

Goal 1: High Quality Instruction / Goal 3: Social & Emotional Needs / Goal 4: Safe & Engaging Environment
Special Education Specialist Hire an additional special education specialist to provide enhanced leadership and support for self contained students and our most fragile populations. Goal 1: High Quality Instruction
EL LTEL Specialist Provide targeted support to the near 280 Long Term English Language learners who, after 5 years, have still not attained English mastery. Goal 1: High Quality Instruction
Data Engineer to Improve Data Systems and Integration Recruit and hire a data engineer who can explore ways to support student achievement and advance equity by expanding and optimizing the district’s data architecture, data flows, collection and reporting - improve staff access to meaningful data - and research ways to connect multiple data systems for enhanced scalability and flexibility for the end user. Goal 1: High Quality Instruction / Goal 2: Aligned & Coherent Systems

Grant Applications

OSPI Equity Audit and LEA Checklist