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School Board Goals

School Board Performance Goals

Goal 1: Increased Student Learning and Performance

  • Ensuring high levels of learning for all students is the School Board’s core mission. To that end, the Board has established high expectations for increased student performance as identified by the Strategic Plan Indicator Targets. To ensure improved outcomes for all students the Board will:
    • prioritize and focus their efforts and energy on the 2017-22 Strategic Plan Goals and Indicators
    • regularly monitor student performance trends 
    • hold themselves, the superintendent, and staff accountable for improved outcomes; and,
    • advocate and support the need for improved learning to internal and external stakeholders

Goal 2: High Functioning Board Team

  • The Board of Education, both individually and collectively, will consistently adhere to the agreed-upon best-practices and leadership behaviors as identified in the Board Operating Protocols document as measured by an annual WSSDA self-evaluation instrument.

Goal 3: Excellent Stakeholder and Community Involvement

  • Through the utilization of purposeful committee structures, open and transparent processes, and deliberate opportunities for community involvement, the Board of Education will ensure high levels of staff, parent and stakeholder involvement prior to policy-level decision making as measured by a comprehensive district/community attitude survey administered annually every fall.

Goal 4: Sound Fiscal Accountability and Transparency

  • Through transparent operations, shared accountability, and best-practice procedures, the Board of Education will maintain sound fiscal stewardship of financial resources consistent with board policies. Performance will be monitored through ongoing fund balance analysis in addition to a comprehensive district/community attitude survey administered annually every fall.