Walla Walla Public Schools
Walla Walla Public Schools has committed to participating in programs that assist teachers who are qualified to become future administrators. However, college or university intern programs that lead to the administrative certificate require a time commitment from the district, the use of substitute teachers, and frequently, the use of district professional growth funds. For these reasons, the following guidelines have been developed for screening candidates for the District’s Administrative Intern Program.
1. Candidates should first meet with their building principal to discuss their qualifications to be an administrator, the availability of a qualified mentor, and the opportunity for a variety of administrative experiences.
2. If recommended by the building principal to the superintendent for the administrative credential program, the candidate shall write a one-page paper entitled, “My Qualifications as a Leader in a Time of Educational Reform.” This paper shall be sent to the superintendent.
3. In February, a team of administrators will screen the papers and select candidates to be interviewed. The interview team shall select up to three candidates to recommend for the Washington State Funded Education Leadership Intern Grant and to enter into the District’s Leadership Training Program. All candidates will be notified as to whether or not they were accepted into the program.
4. When a candidate receives their administrative credentials, he/she will be expected to apply to Walla Walla Public Schools for open administrative positions for which he/she is qualified.
5. Whether or not a candidate is selected for an administrative position, the District will expect at least three years of continued service with Walla Walla Public Schools in return for the training it has provided.
6. Candidates not approved by the interview team for the grant funding or district training program may still choose to enter an administrative credential program and reapply to the district at some future date.
Issued: September 2003