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Walla Walla Public Schools

5610 Procedure - Substitute Employment


Substitute Teachers:

The following procedures shall be in effect:

A.    The Substitute Coordinator shall train substitute teachers in the use of the District’s automated system.
B.    Teachers who are ill and unable to be present for duty in the morning shall request a substitute as soon as they determine they will be unavailable. The regular teacher will make lesson plans available for the substitute teacher.
C.    The principal’s secretary shall turn in accurate time sheets for all substitute services to the business office each month according to schedule. The principal shall rate substitute teachers that have served in the building for the annual personnel substitute rating report.
D.    The principal’s secretary shall be responsible for keeping the record of days taught by the substitute and shall notify the district office when the 16th consecutive day of substituting shall begin.
E.     The principal’s office shall notify the substitute coordinator in the event long term leave has been granted to a teacher, indicating the beginning and termination dates.


In the performance of their duties, substitute teachers shall be expected to:

A.    Have the same responsibilities and workday as regular teachers.
B.    Attend staff meetings unless excused by the principal.
C.    Follow the lesson plan prepared by the regular teacher or comply with the instructions from the principal.
D.    On completing an assignment, prepare a definite statement of the work accomplished in each subject, specifying pages covered in various textbooks. New assignments should be noted in the teacher's assignment book or upon a card inserted in the desk copy of the text. All papers should be graded, records made, and preparations for the next day completed.
E.    Maintain the "housekeeping" arrangements of the regular teacher.
F.    Administer appropriate discipline as necessary. The principal should be contacted in the case of a serious behavior problem and the regular teacher will be notified upon return.
G.    Complete building attendance reports.
H.    Report to the principal's office before leaving the building at the end of the day to see if services are needed on the following day.


Substitutes for Classified Staff:

The following procedures shall be in effect:

A.    Nutrition Services - The nutrition services department will attempt to fill this temporary assignment by contacting one or more qualified individuals from the appropriate list.
B.    Transportation - The transportation department is authorized to fill this temporary assignment from a list of qualified drivers.
C.    Maintenance - Unless a state of urgency exists maintenance positions will not be filled by a substitute.
D.    Custodians - Principals for the buildings or the district Custodial Supervisor shall request substitute custodians as needed.
E.    Secretary - The principal is authorized to request a substitute secretary when the position is vital to the operation of the building or department.
F.    Paraprofessionals - The principal is authorized to request a substitute when the role of the paraprofessional is critical to the operation of the program.
G.    The substitute for a classified staff member should report to the office of the unit administrator at the end of the day to see if services are needed on the following day.


Revised: October 2016