Professional Growth and Development for Nonadministrative Staff
Additional training and study are prerequisites for continued growth and effectiveness of staff members. It is also necessary for staff members with increased responsibilities and new demands. Staff are encouraged to gain additional job-related knowledge and skills through institutions of higher learning or in-service training as provided by the district, buildings or departments.
The district may participate in the state In-Service Training Act of 1977.
Each holder of a professional education certificate, except those exempted by State Board of Education regulation, shall complete 150 hours of continuing education study every five years, in order to maintain his or her certificate.
Professional Growth and Development for Administrators
The district recognizes that training and study for administrators contribute to their skill development necessary to better serve the needs of the school district. Each year the district shall develop an administrative inservice program based upon the needs of the district, as well as the needs of individual administrators.
Cross References:
Board Policy
5005 Employment: Disclosures, Certification Requirements, Assurances and Approval
5240 Evaluation of Staff
Legal References:
28A.415.040 In-service training act
180-85-075 Continuing education requirement
180-85-200 In-service education approval standards
392-195 In-service training program
392-121-255 Definition -- Academic credits
392-121-257 Definition -- In-service credits
392-192 Professional Growth
First Reading: May 21, 2002
Adopted by the Board: July 16, 2002