The following procedure shall be used to implement the Board policy for notice and correction of possible inconsistencies or “mismatches” between an employee’s name and Social Security Number.
When a Social Security number mismatch is discovered by the District, the District will provide written notice to the employee of the mismatch. The employee shall then be responsible to follow-up with the proper governmental agency to correct the problem.
First Notice/Request for Corrective Action (see example)
When the District learns of an employee with a mismatched Social Security Number, the employee will be informed of the mismatch by a letter from the District’s Business Office sent by regular delivery and certified mail.
This letter will provide the employee’s name and Social Security Number as contained in the District’s records, and ask the employee to verify the information. If the information is not correct, the employee is asked to provide the correct information. If the information on the letter matches the name and Social Security Number of the employee’s Social Security Card, the employee is advised to contact a local Social Security Office to resolve the issue and provide the District with any changes.
The District will provide the employee a minimum of Fifteen (15) calendar days from the date of the letter to take corrective action.
Second Notice/Request for Corrective Action (see example)
If, after a minimum of Fifteen (15) calendar days from the date of the first notice, the employee has not corrected the identified Social Security Number mismatch or problem, a second letter will be sent to the employee by regular delivery and certified mail.
The second letter will notify the employee of the importance of this issue and request that immediate corrective action be taken. This letter will again provide the employee’s name and Social Security Number as contained in the District’s records, and ask the employee to verify the information. If the information is not correct, the employee is, again, asked to provide the correct information. If the information on the letter matches the name and Social Security Number of the employee’s Social Security Card, the employee is, again, advised to contact a local Social Security Office to resolve the issue and provide the District with any changes.
The District will provide the employee a minimum of Fifteen (15) calendar days from the date of the second letter to take corrective action.
Final Notice/Request for Corrective Action (see example)
If, after the two prior written attempts, the employee has not corrected the identified Social Security Number mismatch or problem, a third letter will be sent to the employee by regular delivery and certified mail.
The third letter will again advise the employee of the seriousness of the problem and the necessity for immediate corrective action. This letter will also state that it represents the final notice to the employee of the Social Security Number mismatch or problem and that failure to respond to the District’s repeated requests to take corrective action and provide the District with an accurate name and Social Security number for reporting purposes constitutes just cause for termination.
The employee will be notified that failure to provide the District with documentation that the problem has been corrected within Thirty (30) calendar days of the date of the letter will result in recommendation for termination of their employment with the District. The final notice will advise the employee of the opportunity for a meeting prior to termination with the District Personnel Director, along with a representative of their choice, to further discuss the matter.
The District strongly encourages employees not to wait until receiving the third letter to address a mismatch.
Issued: May 2008