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5281 Procedure - Disciplinary Action and Discharge


Progressive Discipline

Depending upon the nature of the work performance problem or conduct, any one or more of the following steps in progressive discipline may be taken by the appropriate supervisor:

A.    Counseling

Staff members need to be notified immediately of action/conduct which is inappropriate, illegal, or negatively impacts the learning environment.

B.    Verbal Warning

A verbal warning may be given to a staff member whenever such action is deemed appropriate or when counseling has not been effective. A record of this action should be kept in the staff member's personnel file.

C.    Written Warning

A staff member may be given a written warning when previous verbal warning has not resulted in the expected improvement or when more severe initial action is deemed warranted. A copy of such warning shall be placed in the staff member's personnel file.

D.    Written Reprimand

A staff member may be given a written reprimand when other steps in progressive discipline have not resulted in the expected improvement or when more severe initial action is warranted.

E.     Suspension/Discharge

A staff member may be suspended from duty without pay by his/her supervisor for any of the reasons set forth in these procedures. A staff member shall receive written notice of such suspension along with notification that he/she may schedule a pretermination meeting with the superintendent. Discharge action may be taken by the board based upon the recommendation of the superintendent. The staff member shall have an opportunity to meet with the board prior to such action.

A staff member may be temporarily suspended from duty with pay, if circumstances warrant, with the prior approval of the superintendent.

A classified staff member who has contact with children, or a certificated staff member shall be terminated immediately for a guilty plea or conviction of any felony crime against children.

Issued: September 2003