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5260 Procedure - Personnel Records


The district shall maintain a personnel file for each of its staff members.

Staff Member's Access To His/Her Personnel File

Any staff member has the right to examine and have copies made of his/her personnel file during regular business hours.

An authorized Personnel Department staff member must be present when a staff member is given access to his/her personnel file.

The district may establish a copy fee.

Access By Others To A Personnel File

Any person authorized by a valid court order shall have access to personnel files.

Principals and/or immediate supervisors may examine the files of staff employed in their building.

Adding Material

The superintendent/designee is responsible for placing material in the proper personnel file within 10 days of receipt or origination of said material. All materials placed in a personnel file shall be witnessed, or signed and dated. When material is critical of a staff member, the person responsible for placing this material in the staff member's file must forward a copy of the material to the staff member. Any material critical of a staff member, which is not shown to him/her within 10 days after placement in his/her file, shall not be allowed as evidence in any grievance or disciplinary action against such staff member.

Staff Member’s Right to Object to Material Added

Rebuttal. A staff member has the right to submit a written statement of rebuttal relating to any material in his/her personnel file and have the written rebuttal placed within the file. A former staff member shall retain the right of rebuttal or correction for a period not to exceed two (2) years.

Issued: September 2003