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5240 Policy - Evaluation of Staff

The board recognizes that the professional growth and evaluation of individual employees is important to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the school district. Staff are expected to perform the duties identified in their contracts and/or job descriptions, in addition to any other responsibilities that may be assigned by their supervisor.

Certificated Teachers and Principals

Evaluations for certificated teachers and principals will be in compliance with the requirements of chapter 28A.405 RCW and applicable collective bargaining agreements or memoranda negotiated pursuant to chapter 41.59 RCW. The primary purpose of such evaluations will be to enhance and improve an employee’s performance so as to improve student learning.

Certificated Support Personnel

“Certificated support personnel” and “certificated support person” mean a certificated employee who provides services to students and holds one or more of the education staff associate (ESA) certificates pursuant to WAC 181-79A-140(5).  ESA certification includes: school speech pathologists or audiologists, school counselors, school nurses, schooloccupational therapists, school physical therapists, school psychologists, and school social workers.

Certificated support personnel are considered non-classroom teachers for purposes of the Professional Growth and Evaluation System, and are not subject to the four-level rating system. The performance of certificated support personnel will be evaluated consistent with state law and applicable collectively bargained processes. The purpose of such evaluations will be to improve the employee’s performance and alert the employee to any performance deficits or concerns.

Other Administrative Staff

The performance of administrative staff other than certificated principals and assistant principals as referenced in the section above will be evaluated at least once per year. The purpose of such evaluations will be to improve the employee’s performance and alert the employee to any performance deficits or concerns.

Classified Staff

The performance of classified staff will be annually evaluated by his/her supervisor consistent with applicable collectively bargained processes. The purpose of such evaluations will be to improve the employee’s performance and alert the employee to any performance deficits or concerns.


Cross References:

Board Policy 5520 Staff Development
Board Policy 5280 Separation from Employment

Legal References:
RCW 28A.400.100 Principals and vice principals –Employment of—Qualifications—Duties.
RCW 28A.405.100 Minimum criteria for the evaluation of certificated employees — Revised four-level evaluation systems for classroom teachers and for principals — Procedures — Steering committee — Models — Implementation — Reports
RCW 28A.405.220 Conditions and contracts of employment – Nonrenewal of provisional employees –Notice - Procedure
RCW 28A.405.300 Adverse change in contract status of certificated employee –Determination of probable cause –Notice—Opportunity for hearing
RCW 28A.405.110 Evaluations — Legislative findings
RCW 28A.405.120 Training for evaluators
RCW 28A.405.130 Training in evaluation procedures required
WAC 181-79A-140 Types of certificates
WAC 392-191A Professional Growth and Evaluation of School Personnel
SHB 1346 Nurses in Schools—Authority—Supervision

Adopted:  July 16, 2002
Revised:  11.05.02; 12.15.15;

Revised:  November 21, 2017