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5230 Procedure - Job Descriptions and Responsibilities


Certificated and Classified Staff

Job postings are maintained in the district office. A job posting shall be provided to each staff member at the time of employment, when the staff member assumes a new position, and when a position is modified. Each job posting shall include the essential functions of the job.

When substantive changes in the assignment occur, or when a new position is created, the supervisor will list the tasks that comprise the job and determine the skills, personal characteristics, educational background, and training necessary for the employee to perform successfully.

Job postings shall be prepared with the following format:

•    Title of Position
•    Minimum qualifications (minimum education, certification, and other qualifications)
•    Reports to (title of immediate supervisor)
•    Supervises (if applicable, titles of those who are supervised directly)
•    Job Goal (the purpose of the job as it relates to the district)
•    Performance Responsibilities (itemized list of the tasks, duties, and responsibilities to fulfill job in all its dimensions)
•    Essential Functions of the Job
•    Terms of Employment (time, classification, or placement on salary schedule)
•    Evaluation (reference to evaluation procedure criteria and form)

Principals and Program Administration

In conformance with state law, rules, and regulations, principals shall be responsible for:

A.    Implementing the district's prescribed curriculum and enforcing the procedures of the district, the state superintendent of public instruction, and the state board of education, taking into due consideration individual differences among students, and maintaining and rendering appropriate records and reports.
B.    Maintaining good order and discipline in school buildings and playgrounds at all times.
C.    Holding students accountable for any disorderly conduct in school.
D.    Requiring excuses from parents/guardians of minor students in all cases of absence, tardiness, or early dismissal.
E.    Giving careful attention to the maintenance of a safe and healthful atmosphere in the classroom, hallways, and playground.
F.    Giving careful attention to the safety of the student in the classroom and reporting any questionable or unsafe conditions.
G.    Providing for the evaluation of each student's educational growth and development and making periodic reports to parents/guardians and other administrators.
H.    Supervising and evaluating all staff which are assigned to the building.
I.    Making recommendations to the superintendent/designee regarding appointment, assignment, promotion, transfer, probation, or dismissal of all staff assigned to their attendance area.
J.    Submitting recommendations to the superintendent/designee regarding the fiscal needs required to maintain and improve the instructional program for their attendance area.
K.    Ensuring that the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement are followed.
L.    Maintaining effective communications with students, parents/guardians, and staff.
M.    Monitoring the expenditure of all district and ASB funds.
N.    Maintaining the equipment, facilities, and grounds of the school plant.

Program Administrators are responsible for:

A.    Coordinating with and supporting the principals to ensure that the students in the program are well served.
B.    Administering the program with particular attention to the areas of – budget, staffing, and legal issues.

Issued: September 2003