The board of directors recognizes its responsibility to protect students from physical and/or emotional harm. Staff members are expected to exhibit "good moral character and personal fitness" as they teach or supervise students. Staff members shall not engage in unprofessional conduct including, but not limited to:
A. acts of immorality and/or intemperance;
B. violation of written contract;
C. involving the physical neglect of children;
D. the physical, emotional, or sexual abuse or mistreatment of children;
E. sexual conduct with children or students;
F. misrepresentation or falsification in the course of professional practice;
G. possession, use or consumption or being under the influence of alcohol or of a controlled substance on school premises or at a school-sponsored activity involving students;
H. disregard or abandonment of generally recognized professional standards;
I. abandonment of contract for professional services;
J. unauthorized professional practice;
K. illegal furnishing of alcohol or a controlled substance to a student; or
L. improper remunerative conduct (using one’s position for monetary gain).
The above list does not, in any way, limit the district’s ability to discipline or discharge an employee for acts of misconduct not listed above.
Cross References:
Board Policy
5005 Employment: Disclosures, Certification, Requirements, Assurances and Approval
5281 Disciplinary Action and Discharge
Legal References:
28A.400.320 Crimes against children -- Mandatory termination of classified employees -- Appeal -- Recovery of salary or compensation by district
28A.405.470 Crimes against children -- Mandatory termination of certificated employees -- Appeal – Recovery of salary or compensation by district
28A.410.090 Revocation or suspension of certificate or permit to teach -- Criminal basis -- Complaints -- Investigation -- Process.
28A.410.100 Revocation of authority to teach -- Hearings
28A.410.110 Limitation on reinstatement after revocation – Reinstatement prohibited for certain felony crimes.
181-79A Standards for teacher, administrator, and educational staff associate certification
181-86 Professional certification – Policies and Procedures for Administration of Certification Proceedings.
181-87 Professional Certification – Acts of Unprofessional Conduct
First Reading: May 21, 2002
Adopted by the Board: July 16, 2002
Revised: October 4, 2011