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5000 Procedure - Recruitment and Selection of Staff


Current and projected staff needs provide the basis for staff recruitment and selection. Once needs are identified, the recruitment and selection process should result in employing a staff member who is the most qualified to fulfill the need based upon the candidate’s skill, training, experience and past performance.

Identifying Needs
A. Collect enrollment projections.
B. Identify returning staff members, including returns from leave of absence and excluding retirees.
C. Identify openings, recognizing the requirements, goals and priorities of the district and including possible co-curricular assignment needs.
D. Review voluntary transfer requests in relation to the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement.
E. Identify possible involuntary transfers in relation to provisions of the collective bargaining agreement.

A. Develop job description for each necessary position, including salary range.
B. Develop job announcement using information from job description; experience, preparation, salary range and other related information.
C. List vacancies with intention to reach potential applicants from protected employment groups in order to achieve affirmative action goals.

A. Identify screening and interviewing team.
B. Review criteria for screening.
C. Select candidates to be interviewed.

A. Prepare for interview by:

1. Reviewing all duties and responsibilities of the position;
2. Reviewing the minimum qualifications needed to perform the duties of the position;
3. Developing a series of questions to be used in interviewing candidates, including guidelines for what to look for in response to questions; and
4. Reviewing the candidate’s application folder.

B. Meet with team to review interview questions and evaluation procedure.
C. Ask each candidate to respond to a predetermined set of questions.
D. Give the candidate an opportunity to ask any question(s).
E. Inform the candidate regarding the time line for hiring.
F. Rate the candidate based on their responses.
G. Insure fairness by asking the same questions developed from the established criteria for the position.
H. Do not request, require or otherwise compel or coerce an applicant to: 1) disclose login information for their personal social networking account; or 2) access their personal social networking account in the presence of any district employee; or 3) add a district employee to their personal social networking account’s contact list; or 4) alter the settings on their personal social networking account to affect any third party’s ability to view it.

Verifying References
A. Contact candidate’s previous supervisor(s) and other job-related references. Ask prepared list of job-related questions.
B. Visit and/or observe candidate on site (when necessary).
C. Rate the candidate on reference responses.

A. Review available information:

1. Credentials - training, experience and recommendations;
2. Letters of application, responses to topics on supplementary application;
3. Responses to interview questions;
4. Contact with previous supervisors and other job-related references.

B. Select candidate to be recommended to the superintendent or designee.
C. Place screening evaluation, interview evaluation, and telephone reference check reports in a file for possible future reference.
D. Advise unsuccessful candidates.

A. Inform candidate that he/she will:

1. Be recommended for the position, provided the records of the Washington State Patrol criminal investigation system reveal the prospective staff member is free of any convictions of offenses against children and other persons. (RCW 43.43.832);
2. Receive a general statement about the type of contract that will be issued (letter of intent);
3. Be expected to present documents which establish his/her identity, and attest, in writing, his/her eligibility to work in this country; and
4. (Classified staff) may be subjected to a background check with the Washington State Patrol in accordance with RCW 43.43.830.

B. Human Resources will present recommendation to the board of directors.
C. The board approves the candidate for hire at official board meeting.

Issuing Contracts
A. Secure official statements regarding the work experience from previous employers.
B. Evaluate transcript in terms of salary schedule placement criteria.
C. Issue appropriate contract — Replacement, Provisional, Temporary (less than one year), Supplemental.
D. Issue appropriate business forms and payroll information, and register teaching certificate.

Revised: May 2023