Policies and Procedures
The online policy manual contains up-to-date policies and procedures set forth by the School Board. The policies are principles adopted by the board to chart a course of action, while the procedures are the detailed directions that put policy into practice and guide the operation of the school district.
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The policies are categorized into the following areas:
0000 Strategic Planning: Policies related to Walla Walla School Board meetings, board member elections and governance.
1000 Board of Directors: Policies related to Walla Walla School Board meetings, board member elections and governance.
2000 Instruction: Related to student learning programs, school organization, and instructional requirements.
3000 Students: Policies related to admission and attendance, rights and responsibilities, and student activities.
4000 Community Relations: Policies related to communications with the public, public participation in schools, public access to staff and students, and relations with other agencies.
5000 Personnel: Policies related to recruitment, hiring, employment, compensation, leaves, and benefits.
6000 Management Support: Policies related to minimum funds and school property.