About Us
OSPI Report Card
School Board
The district is governed by a five-member school board, each elected to a four-year term:
- Kathy Mulkerin, Position #1 (Term Expires – 2025)
- Terri Trick, Position #2 (Term Expires – 2025)
- Ruth Ladderud, Vice President, Position #3 (Term Expires – 2027)
- Alayna Brinton, Position #4 (Term Expires - 2027)
- Derek Sarley, President, Position #5 (Term Expires – 2027)
Student Representatives to the School Board
- Eva Maxwell
- Ari Kim-Leavitt
Learn more about our School Board >
Organizational Chart
District Staffing
Based on 2023-2024 School Year Data:
- Certificated Administrators - 29
- Classified Administrators - 8
- Classified Staff - 362
- Certificated Staff – 383
- Master's Degrees - 291
District Enrollment
2023-2024 School Year
(Student counts based on “Head Count”)
- Student Total - 5367
- Special Education Students - 860
- Bilingual Services - 851
- Preschool (Walla Walla Center for Children & Families) - 1
- Elementary Schools - 5
- Middle Schools - 2
- High Schools - 2
- SEATech Skills Center - 1
- Walla Walla Online - 1
- Opportunity Program - 1
- Homelink - 1
- Walla Walla Center for Children and Families (Birth-to-Five)
- Berney Elementary (K-5)
- Edison Elementary (K-5)
- Green Park Elementary (K-5)
- Prospect Point Elementary (K-5)
- Sharpstein Elementary (K-5)
- Garrison Middle School (6-8)
- Pioneer Middle School (6-8)
- Lincoln High School (9-12)
- Walla Walla High School (9-12)
- SEATech Skills Center (11-12)
- Walla Walla Online (K-12)
- Opportunity Program
- Homelink (K-6)
Ethnic Diversity
Data: 2023-2024
- American Indian/Alaskan Native - less than 1%
- Asian - 1.3%
- Pacific Islander - less than 1%
- African American - 1%
- Hispanic - 44.1%
- White - 48.9%
- Multi-Racial - 4.2%
Receiving Free or Reduced-Cost Meals:
- 2023-2024: 70%
- 2022-2023: 66%
(Based on income, percent of students who qualify for free/reduced price meals)
Walla Walla Public Schools At A Glance
Walla Walla Public Schools educates a diverse population nearly 5,600 students. The district is comprised of two high schools, two middle schools, five elementary schools, the Walla Walla Center for Children and Families (Birth-to-Five services), SEATech Skills Center, Walla Walla Online, Opportunity Program and Homelink (homeschool support program)..
A broad range of course offerings and programs that are aligned with the Washington State Learning Goals are offered to students at all grade levels.
Our district employs nearly 800 staff members - excluding substitutes and part-time coaches. Each year more than 1,000 volunteers team to provide learning opportunities for students.
Local Levy Support
In 2024, Walla Walla Public Schools received a 65 percent YES vote on its replacement Educational Programs and Operations Levy. The EP&O Levy, commonly referred to as the "Learning Levy," requires voter reauthorization every four years. Its renewal maintains the programs and offerings our community has approved at the ballot box for over half a century. From honors classes to band programs to the arts, the "Learning Levy" funds the programs, experiences and student opportunities not funded by the state. The district will be seeking renewal of this levy in February 2028.
District Programs
Walla Walla High School supports a four-year, comprehensive program. Core curriculum, a vocational program, Advanced Placement, English acquisition, special education and fine arts courses are offered. Running Start to earn college credits is also available. Lincoln High School offers students a small school experience. Staff are highly skilled in trauma-informed practices to meet the social and emotional needs of students. SEATech Skills Center provides advanced-level Career and Technical Education programs based on rigorous academic and industry standards, preparing students for post-secondary education and successful entry into high-skill, high-demand careers and employment.
Middle School
Pioneer and Garrison Middle Schools offer advanced courses, afterschool programs, athletics, challenging electives, music and arts and Science, Technology, Engineering and Math classes. Students can take Spanish classes, coding and technology courses and earn high school credits in algebra, geometry and first year Spanish. Sports are free to all students. Attendance at the city’s two middle schools, which serve grades 6-8, is based on the elementary school a student attends. Students from Berney, Green Park and Edison elementary schools attend Pioneer Middle School, while students from Prospect Point and Sharpstein Elementary schools attend Garrison Middle School. Middle school students who are new to the area need to check the district’s boundary map to determine their neighborhood school. Students may open enroll at a school outside their boundary if space is available.
Elementary schools offer a complete curriculum with a core focus on literacy, mathematics, and social sciences. Bilingual and English acquisition courses are offered. Low class sizes in kindergarten (all day) and first grade are featured.
The Walla Walla Center for Children & Families offers a comprehensive Birth-to-Five program.
Online School
Walla Walla Online is a tuition-free, online public school option for students in grades Kindergarten through grade 12.
Special Programs
- Approximately 782 students identified as special education students
- Highly Capable/Explorers Program Approximately 530 students (grades K-12) are identified as highly capable
- Any student (regardless of identification) in grades 6-12 is able to take Honors/AP Courses
- Approximately 80 identified highly capable students (in grades 3-5) participate in the one-day-a-week highly capable pull-out program
- Bilingual education services available
- The district is excited to bring back the popular Homelink program. Learn more about this amazing program HERE
Special Education
Walla Walla Public Schools provides special education services to students who range in age from 3 through 21 and have a documented disability.
Special education provides instruction and support to students so they can be successful in an educational setting. Our services include special instruction, physical and occupational therapy, speech and language services, transportation, school health services, behavioral support and instruction and parent engagement.
Individualized Educational Program teams determine what services and supports are needed to provide an appropriate educational program for each of our approximately 856 students who are currently receiving special education support.
Learn more about our Special Education services >
District Programs
- 3A athletics programs
- All Day Kindergarten
- Career & Technical Education
- Dual Language (Green Park Elementary and Edison Elementary)
- Early Learning Programs (Walla Walla Center for Children & Families)
- Highly Capable/Explorer Program
- High School drama program (Wa-Hi)
- Homelink
- Nutrition Services
- Online School K-12 (Walla Walla Online)
- Opportunity Program
- P-12 comprehensive school system
- Secondary Alternative Education
- Special Education services
- Title I/LAP services
- Transitional Bilingual offerings
- Transportation
- Various clubs
- VIP - Volunteer In Person
- Wide range of extracurricular programs
- SEATech Skills Center
- Walla Walla Public Schools Foundation
District Finances
How School Dollars Are Invested
• Actual Expenditures: $95,925,419.70
• Building Administration: 5.00%
• Central Administration: 7.26%
• Pupil Transportation: 2.83%
• Food Services: 2.9%
• Maintenance & Operations: 9.95%
• Teaching: 69.52%
• Other: 2.54%
Source: OSPI Financial Reporting Summary FY 2022-23
Our Mission
In partnership with families and community, Walla Walla Public Schools ensures a culture of equity and belonging, where every student achieves ambitious levels of learning through relevant and rigorous educational experiences.
Our Beliefs
We Believe...
- that diversity is our strength
- in challenging and supporting all students
- that quality instruction is critical to student success
- in elevating student voice and agency
- in investing in staff to ensure excellence
- in maximizing the impact of our resources
- in collaborative and transparent operation
- in the importance of family and community
Our Vision
Developing Washington’s Most Sought-After Graduates
Strategic Plan Goals and Success Indicators
Goal 1: Ambitious Learning for All
Goal 2: Relevant and Rigorous Experience
Goal 3: Culture of Equity and Belonging
Goal 4: Partnership with Family and Community
Distance from Walla Walla to...
Seattle, Washington (262 miles northwest)
Boise, Idaho (254 miles southeast)
Portland, Oregon (242 miles west)
Spokane, Washington (158 miles north)
Yakima, Washington (132 miles northwest)
Lewiston, Idaho (102 miles east)
Tri-Cities, Washington (50 miles northwest)
Pendleton, Oregon (39 miles southwest)
Registration Information
Please visit our Enrollment & Open Enrollment/Choice Transfer page for information.